Join our website


Welcome to RHHS 1970 Website

Where have the last 40 years gone???  We would love to get to know you again and help you connect with old classmates.  Now we have our very own website to do just that! So login anytime to keep in touch with each other and upcoming events.  To join website, see below.

PLEASE take time to fill out your Profile (see below for instructions) so we can keep accurate data on everyone.   Help us by contacting all of your classmates and telling them about our new website.  Visit our site regularly to see who has updated their profile and get up-to-date info on all class events.  Our website will be growing as time goes on so check in regularly.  Help us make it successful!

If you know a classmate's email that has no Profile, please put their email address in box on lower right of home page - "Missing Classmates" and an invitation to website will be sent.

To Join the Website

1.  Click "Classmates Profiles" on your left.

2.  Scroll through list and find your name.  Click your name.

3.  On next screen, click "Click Here Now"

4 .  Complete yours and then have fun reading others!

** If your name is not in the Profiles List, click "Contact Us" on the left.



In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist the email address (that's a .net, not a .com).

What is whitelisting? Whitelisting simply means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our class web site and our Classmates. The technique for whitelisting varies by email program, but generally you will see the term "Whitelist", "Safe List", or "Safe Sender's List". This is where you want to be sure you have added the email address

Class Creator, the system that helps us operate our class web site, uses the address when sending out email messages. Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email. Whitelisting is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you don't miss anything happening on our site or miss receiving emails from your fellow Classmates.

Stop and take a moment to whitelist right now, and ensure you stay connected!

Guest Members

If you are a teacher, RHHS member of another class, spouse or anyone who would like to be a guest into our website, please click "Contact Us" and give us information on yourself and justification please.