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11/02/24 12:55 PM #165    

Robert Willey

When I refer to moral issues with DJT I'm noting he cheats at golf. For god's sakes who is so sick to cheat at golf. He stiffs people he hires to work for him. He refuses to pay his debts. He still owes Phoenix big money for rally there and the same in other cities. He cheated in his business to get preferred loan rates (proven in court). This man has no moral compass except the almighty buck. That is his bucks. Why does anyone worship this heartless person. Hugging the flag does not make you a patriot. Avoiding war with heel spurs does not make you a patriot. So what is going on ? I guess we all hear what we want to hear. So be it. See you on the other side of Nov 5. Good luck!

11/02/24 05:38 PM #166    

Robert Holmgren

Responding to Robert Willey.

Robert Willey:

1. When I refer to moral issues with DJT I'm noting he cheats at golf. For god's sakes who is so sick to cheat at golf.

(Apparently he does cheat at golf according to a book by sportswriter Rick Reilly.  So too did Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton, according to a book by NYT writer Don Van Natta.  For the record, I too have taken a mulligan and a gimme putt from time to time.  I'm one of those sick golfers.)

2. He still owes Phoenix big money for rally there and the same in other cities. 

(Willey can be excused for not knowing this but cities often 'ask' for reimbursement but it's up to the campaign to volunteer to pay since this is considered a normal part of what a police department does. It's also why NFL teams use local police without compensation. Hillary Clinton has also refused requests for payment of police. Typically there is no contract that would enforce payment.)

3. He cheated in his business to get preferred loan rates (proven in court).

(Trump was charged with over-valuing his property in order to get banks to loan him money. The judge in the case came up with his own valuation. The banks who did the loans say they were happy to loan the money based on their own evaluations of Trump's property and were fully compensated.  Never the less Trump was convicted.  The case has been heard on appeal by the Supreme Court of New York and a decision will be announced shortly.  Reporting on the appeal strongly suggests that Trump will be successful and the conviction will be overturned.)

* My apology to Robert Willey for previously misspelling his last name.  It was unintentional.

11/02/24 07:34 PM #167    


Patricia Lassandra (Murray)

11/03/24 06:06 AM #168    


Judith Siewenie (Stallons)

Bill DeWert criticized Kamala Harris's hand gestures in a previous post....what do you think about Donald Trumps's hand and mouth gestures with a microphone?......on stage in Wisconsin and in front of an audience in which some children were in attendance.


11/03/24 11:55 AM #169    


Gloria Chostner (Swanson)

Thanks Judy. Greg shared DJTs newest most disgusting display with me this morning. For those who missed it. SNL has it. Probably Steven Colbert also.

11/03/24 12:44 PM #170    

Bill DeWert

Judith: I didn't criticize her hand motions. Here's my post: "Kackala speaks to us like we're children...hand motions, inappropriate laughter and smiles. Do you disagree?

Then I said: ZERO policy statements, admits she supports Biden's ideas about the border and economy, wouldn't change any of Uncle Joe's decisions

Do you disagree? If so, please let me know about her policies and any other criticisms you found in my statements.

Thank you and God bless you on this, the LORD's day.  Ps 118:24

11/03/24 04:52 PM #171    


Gloria Chostner (Swanson)

Erab women. I'll start it cuz it's time. I'm a member of the Me Too club. If your brave enough to stand with me than maybe our Erab brothern will get with us and support our rejection of a disguting Trump candidate. Really, guys, a rapist, again in the White House. I'm really disappointed with u.

11/03/24 06:46 PM #172    

Robert Holmgren

Gloria Chostner Swanson

We've already been over this before in previous messages.  If you are speaking about President Trump being a convicted rapist--it is simply not true.  


Sept.5, 2023  NEW YORK (AP) — A jury found Donald Trump liable Tuesday for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment that could haunt the former president as he campaigns to regain the White House.

The verdict was split: Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse. 



11/03/24 08:42 PM #173    


Gloria Chostner (Swanson)

Wow , You guys always find a way to dodge the bullet. Robert,,,when YOUR dick is in a vigina it's rape.

11/03/24 08:52 PM #174    

Gregory Swanson

New York law defines rape more narrowly than most other jurisdictions. The judge in the case, when questioned by the Times, said that T***p was an "adjudicated rapist." It's a distinction without a difference. His close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, bragging about "Grabbing them by the p****y," dry humping a flag, introducing a guy 18 years younger at his MSG Nazi rally as a"childhood friend", his fascination with the size of Arnold Palmer's junk, simulating fellatio with a microphone stand -- I'm seeing a pattern here. This treasonous, convicted ferlon, batcrap-crazy pervert needs to be in the Big House, not the White House!

11/04/24 09:53 AM #175    


Judith Siewenie (Stallons)

Bill. DeWert......Diversion. 

11/04/24 01:30 PM #176    

Bill DeWert

Perhaps, Judith, you're diverting from answers to my questions?!

11/06/24 01:29 PM #177    


William Hoglund (Hoglund)

The American people have spoken convincingly who will lead our great nation forward.

11/06/24 01:37 PM #178    


Gloria Chostner (Swanson)


11/07/24 09:44 AM #179    

Larry Witherby

Steisand can leave this country and take Taylor Switft and George Clooney with her. Bye Bye.


11/08/24 11:51 AM #180    


David Quist

Hi Gloria,
You are right....To Ruin. The effects of his election won't be felt for months or years or even decades. His true character will emerge once again through his coming appointments of cabinet, advisors, judges, pardons, and declarations. Project 2025 will be his playbook. As Joe and Kamala said we suffered a painful defeat but are not defeated. We will get back up and fight the good fight for as long as it takes. Thx for your good posts!

11/08/24 03:00 PM #181    

Shirley Rounds (Schirz)

I learned from a wise person long ago that it is impossible to continuing hating someone if you pray for them daily. Perhaps, a few of you could take that advice. I guess not you, Gloria, since you had some pretty angry sounding words about the Bible. You can be an atheist or an agnostic without all that hate. Even the 'Me, too,'movement needn't thrive on hatred. Perhaps you have a blog with a good following where you are enlightening readers.Or, maybe you speak at high schools, or work at a woman's safe house.Perhaps it's time to refocus this thread.

11/09/24 11:34 AM #182    

Robert Willey

Sorry Shirley but the only hate Ive been hearing here and in the wind is from the MAGA crowd. You can't even see the hate that MAGA is spewing, and I'm not sure why. Thats just how it seems from here. 

11/09/24 08:16 PM #183    


Gloria Chostner (Swanson)

Thanks Bob

11/10/24 11:09 AM #184    


James Hughes

It was so much fun to see everyone at our 60 th reunion. I have been in the political world must of my live 4 of our class mates were aldermen of the city of Rockford . Bill Robinson, Nancy Johnson, Chris breeze and Jim Hughes. . Nothing is accomplish thru hate. Reasonable people can set down at a table and get things done for the community if we bring hate to the Table nothing will get accomplished. It's the same in Rockford as it is in Washington DC. A Equally balance Government seems to work best and brings the best results to the taxpayers. When hatred enters the room and cool heads will never prevail. And yes I am a life long Democrat and I'm very proud of my fellow classmates that server in Government. I'm happy to have moved back to the Rockford Community and my home town. I'm once again going to be very active in the Political arena in Rockford. When we loose ground that we fought hard for it is some what disappointing. But the truth of the matter it just makes me want to fight and take back and restore what we have lost . In two years we will have the opportunity to make changes again but in the Meantime we can go state to state and take back the ground we lost . It's not over unless we Quit fighting for what we believe in and for our grandkids future. God bless each and everyone of you and hope to see all of you soon. Love ya 

11/10/24 11:46 AM #185    

Bill DeWert

Bob state that the only hate you see/hear is from the MAGA crowd. The Dems think Trump is a Nazi and that democracy will die from his term's actions. Who thinks that that can and will happen in the USA? I don't think so. How about the immigration and border policies that are draining funds for our legal citizens? Free transition surgery for illegals, for instance. Dems do a lot of virtue signaling also. Gaslighting us about Biden's dementia progression. for instance. Dems (and Repubs!) must look in the mirror and return to the historical style of across-the-aisle cooperation for the good of all.

May our God bless you and the world!

11/10/24 03:14 PM #186    

Gregory Swanson

Besides the MAGA hate, which is directed at the vast majority of the population of the planet, MAGA has PROMISED us the end of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Health Care coverage, free public education, government health and safety protections, clean air and safe drinking water and ridiculously stupid economic plans that will cause runaway inflation and interest rates and massive unemployment. The MAGA upside is the Elon "The World's Biggest Douche" Musk will be the actual President, with Rump, the senile old felon, as a mere figurehead and those pesky impediments to unbridled greed and corruption like Ukraine, Poland and Taiwan will be Putin and XI"s problems. Forget about the chance to change things in 2 years - we will never see another free and fair election.

11/10/24 03:34 PM #187    


Katie Williamson (Ellisen-Doe)

 Thank you to Bob Willey and other classmates for your kind comments and reflections on our most recent presidential election. Also thank you to our classmates who took the time to serve as aldermen in Rockford included in the kind comments made by Jim Hughes. We are fortunate to live in a democracy in which we can all participate. In my heart I feel that hate will never make us great. Hopefully we can all strive to be true to our values and treat others the way we would want to be treated. Matthew 7:12 "So in everything, do to others as you would want to have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." The Golden Rule is not unique to Christianity. It also appears in the works of Plato, Aristotle, Isocrates and Seneca. Its also present in many world religions . Also, "   If you feel pain, you are alive. If you feel other people's pain, you are human." Leo Tolstoy. God bless and keep you all safe and healthy. Katie ( Williamson ) Ellisen-Doe

BTW to Jim Hughes: Are you related to Joan (Hallden) Hughes who lives in Durand and attended West High School.? Joan's  deceased husband was Gerry Hughes. She is my cousin on my father's side.

12/06/24 10:42 AM #188    

Tom DiPuma

It is some comfort to think that the hate has been manufactured by the invasive use of coordinated information campaigns - designed to create fear, a sense of being a current of future victim or threat of loss of hard earned current of futre assets you have earned - pensions, dropping property values, cost of living increases, personal safety, etc.......  . 

Fabricated fear of "retribution" by a future administration is being promoted as justification for giving a free pass to a wide range of people for their activities that may or may not have been illegal.     Ooops, I decided to stop here.   The election is over.  I hope we afre so busy creating a prosperous and safe USA that there is no time for thjis kind of discourse.  


Have a great 2025 and beyond!!!!





12/06/24 03:35 PM #189    


Gary Knodle

Very astute assessment of the situation, Tom. I pray to God that we all remember our childhood and attempt to recapture the Patriotism of our youth. If we all return to being Americans, first, this country has a better chance of becoming unified and focused on a return to being the leader of the free world, that shining City on the Hill. 

Just an American!

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