Robert Holmgren
Responding to Robert Willey.
Robert Willey:
1. When I refer to moral issues with DJT I'm noting he cheats at golf. For god's sakes who is so sick to cheat at golf.
(Apparently he does cheat at golf according to a book by sportswriter Rick Reilly. So too did Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton, according to a book by NYT writer Don Van Natta. For the record, I too have taken a mulligan and a gimme putt from time to time. I'm one of those sick golfers.)
2. He still owes Phoenix big money for rally there and the same in other cities.
(Willey can be excused for not knowing this but cities often 'ask' for reimbursement but it's up to the campaign to volunteer to pay since this is considered a normal part of what a police department does. It's also why NFL teams use local police without compensation. Hillary Clinton has also refused requests for payment of police. Typically there is no contract that would enforce payment.)
3. He cheated in his business to get preferred loan rates (proven in court).
(Trump was charged with over-valuing his property in order to get banks to loan him money. The judge in the case came up with his own valuation. The banks who did the loans say they were happy to loan the money based on their own evaluations of Trump's property and were fully compensated. Never the less Trump was convicted. The case has been heard on appeal by the Supreme Court of New York and a decision will be announced shortly. Reporting on the appeal strongly suggests that Trump will be successful and the conviction will be overturned.)
* My apology to Robert Willey for previously misspelling his last name. It was unintentional.