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•   Beverly Axelson (Glaspey)  7/20
•   Dorothy Hall  7/17
•   Bill DeWert  7/6
•   Jan Aronson (Miller)  7/4
•   Terry Wojcik  6/4
•   Linda Bergquist (Johnson)  5/9
•   Robert Willey  5/4
•   Jim Nelson  5/4
•   Dixie Winquist (Jonas)  5/2
•   Nancy Kallenbach (Parker)  5/2
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
10 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
26 live in California
5 live in Colorado
4 live in Connecticut
22 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
246 live in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
5 live in Iowa
1 lives in Maine
3 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
10 live in Minnesota
2 live in Mississippi
4 live in Missouri
3 live in Montana
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
6 live in North Carolina
6 live in Ohio
3 live in Oklahoma
6 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
7 live in South Carolina
8 live in Tennessee
12 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
28 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Costa Rica
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in United Kingdom
8 location unknown
176 are deceased


•   Wayne Augenson  7/26
•   Sharon Rapp (Olson)  7/26
•   Betty Shimkus (Pierce)  7/27
•   Elliott Weaver  7/28
•   Lee Davis  7/29
•   Steven Vittetow  7/30
•   Thomas Shultz  8/1
•   Catherine Peterson (Schocker)  8/6
•   Shirley Rounds (Schirz)  8/6
•   Robert Jacobson  8/7
•   Stanley Martenson  8/9
•   Gerald Fieser  8/10
•   Roger Arnold  8/12
•   Melodee Melin  8/13
•   Janet Johnson (Farbotko)  8/18
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Rockford East High School Class Of 1964 website. This new interactive website was developed for our 50th Class Reunion, held on August 9, 2014 at the Mauh-Nah-Tee-See Country Club in Rockford.  Classmates, please join our website now.



We are currently planning a pizza party at the Lombardi Club on Madison St. for the 10th of August around 5:30- 6:00.  The class will buy the pizza's and everyone is in charge of their drinks.  We are also trying to plan a breakfast the next day at the Stockholm around 9:30.  Sure hope you can make it.  Hard to believe that it has been 60 years since we were all at East!!  If you think you are going to be there - please let me know - so we can get a head count for everything.

The reunion Committee :

Connie Wallenberg Heden, Dixie Winquist Jonas, Merry Jennings Tassoni, Nancy Kallenbach Parker, Melodee Bergstrom Slaughter, Gary and Carol Palmer Johnson and myself -- So far we are getting quite a few responses -- it is not to late to respond.  I have a running list of those that will be attending and we are at about 60- 75 right now.


When listing the committee - I don't know how I did it --- but I forgot to mention Nancy Anderson Johnson -- so sorry Nancy!!

I have been reminded to let everyone know that we are still meeting on the first Sat. of every month at Stockholm Inn at 9:00 - reservations are under East 64.