Help us find Missing Classmates

We are searching for classmates for whom we have NO information and would appreciate your help. If you have any contact information please share this website with them,,  or send their information to Cathy Nyerges, She has been keeping and updating all contact information that we get. 

 Blue highlights mean we have some contact information but have not confirmed if it was correct or have received a response back.

  1. Abel, Mary Diane
  2. Archbold, Michael John
  3. Axford, Cynthia Jane
  4. Bacha, Vickie A.
  5. Bammerlin, Jacqueline M.
  6. Beckstett, Douglas Gordon
  7. Bergin, Anne Louise
  8. Bodenlos, Linda Sue
  9. Boxwell, Daniel C
  10. Boyer, Carol Alice
  11. Brehm, John Marvin
  12. Brooks, Frank Clinton
  13. Brown, William J
  14. Cain, Greg
  15. Cammann, Henry R
  16. Campbell, John Floyd
  17. Canine, Marcia Ruth
  18. Carlson, Curtis David
  19. Carrocia, Jo Anne
  20. Chasen, Clifford M
  21. Coleman, Susan Davis
  22. Coristine, Bill
  23. Crow, Megan Leslie
  24. Culp, Cynthia Ann
  25. Davidson, Kenneth Dale
  26. Day, Dennis Michael
  27. DelDuca, Gretchen Hannah
  28. Doraty, Diane Jennings
  29. Elliot, Laura Anne
  30. Emerick, Bruce Donald
  31. Faulkner, Jane McGarry
  32. Ferguson, Anne Cameron
  33. Filipic, Marybeth
  34. Fiuza, Elizabeth Gentil Barbosa
  35. Fiyalko, Diane Kay
  36. Flynn, Christine Maria
  37. Fritz, Charles D
  38. Gabriel, Robert Mansfield
  39. Gibb, Helen Barrett 
  40. Girard, Jennifer L
  41. Godfray, Lynn Cathey
  42. Graham, Kevin
  43. Grosseck, Jamie Newell
  44. Guillemette, Jeff 
  45. Guyot, Kristin Conrad
  46. Harris, Michael Paul
  47. Harrison, Gregory Clyde
  48. Hartson, Barbara Jean
  49. Hemmer, William
  50. Hilderman, Don Richard
  51. Hohn, Frank Philip
  52. Hokanson, Charles
  53. Holladay, Gary David
  54. Hoy, Cliff
  55. Huemme, Mark Leonard
  56. Hull, Hildegarde J
  57. Janis, Barbara Helen
  58. Johler, Gail Susan
  59. Johnson, Christine Leigh
  60. Johnson, Mark Gregory
  61. Johnson, Richard Irvin
  62. Jones, Alice May
  63. Judy, Richard Thomas
  64. Kane, Joe
  65. Keidel, Scott Alan
  66. Kennedy, Deborah Linn
  67. Kennedy, Richard Francis
  68. Keyes, Pamela Sue
  69. King, Debi Anne
  70. Kissling, Ronald John
  71. Knudsen, Mary Lee
  72. Knudtsen, Nancy
  73. Koklauner, Philip Leonard
  74. Kovach, Steve
  75. Kreizwald, Sharon
  76. Kuhrt, Carrin Lee
  77. LaGanke, James  Melvin
  78. Lako, William Robert
  79. Lang, Annette Marie
  80. Lint, Robert Alan
  81. Livingston, Kent Randall
  82. MacKrell, John Thomas
  83. MacTaggart, Andrea Lynn
  84. Mainzer, Pamela Ann
  85. Malinas, James J
  86. Malone, Maureen
  87. Malone, Meredith
  88. Marks, Candice Gruver
  89. Mathe, Donna
  90. Memmer, William
  91. Mennell, Janice Louise
  92. Mertus, Ellen Marie
  93. Metro, Diane Mary
  94. Meyer, John  
  95. Miltner, Lawrence J
  96. Miner, Jacqueline
  97. Mohr, Kevin
  98. Moran, Linda Kathryne
  99. Moran, Keith
  100. Mowbray, Barbara Lyle
  101. Murton, Jeff Alan
  102. Niess, Donald William
  103. Pachan, Nancy Michel
  104. Paisley, Doug
  105. Panhorst, James
  106. Paskalik, Maryann Theresa
  107. Pfarr, Frederick Edward
  108. Pffiefer, Cathy
  109. Pierson, George Norris
  110. Platte, Linda 
  111. Poulsen, Michael James
  112. Pryor, Sarah Jane
  113. Quayle, Mark Benton
  114. Rickard, Ronald Eric
  115. Ruddle, Susan Amanda
  116. Russell, Christine Evelyn
  117. Schauermann, James L
  118. Schoeffel, Michelle Wilma
  119. Sell, Susan Diane
  120. Shurilla, Steve
  121. Simpson, Deborah Ann
  122. Smith, Randall
  123. Smith, Richard G
  124. Stebbins, Cynthia Ann
  125. Stickney, Dennis Richard
  126. Strawbridge, Cindy
  127. Strawbridge, Sandy
  128. Stumpe, Michael
  129. Talmadge, Roger S
  130. Tarvin, Joni Alice
  131. Taylor, Janice Lee
  132. Watts, Dale Thomas
  133. Weaver, Richard James
  134. Weidemer, Christine Elizabeth
  135. Weisberg, Leonard Glenn
  136. Wilhelm, Richard Alfred
  137. Wismar, David
  138. Woods, Karen Lee
  139. Work, Granville Byron

Carol Moll
Robert Silvis
Henry Smith
Susan Thomas

Guest Members

Terry (Phelan)
