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01/06/12 08:48 AM #2268    


Maegan Tanner (Hampton)

I think Facebook stole all the users....bummer.  stupid facebook.  sometimes that site really pisses me off!!!

been thinking about pulling the plug, but then i don't wanna miss seeing what is up with everyone and that is the only site i know to find that info out! ( especially since nobody comes here anymore )

well, i hope everyone had a merry christmas and happy new year :~)  i think of everyone often and can't wait for the chance to gather together again. 

missing you all and the giggles we used to share via this site :(

take care of you and your crews and hope to lay eyes on y'all soon!!!


p.s.  made my message like Skittles....can you taste the rainbow????   LOL

01/06/12 08:58 AM #2269    


Maegan Tanner (Hampton)

Just started on page 1 of the forum and read back thru some of the pages....we used to have so much damn fun on this forum.  Makes me miss you all even MORE!!!!

p.s. malcolm or did you get your picture on your posts?  it shows me a blank pic then an option of none or main pic and i keep choosing "main" ,but nothing happens :(  i am a dork obviously and need help PLEASE!!!!

01/10/12 03:59 PM #2270    


Malcolm Cox

Mae, I ain't got a clue. I don't know if my wife done it or it just happened.  Sorry, wish I could be more help. And I done decided if I can figure out how to get off facebook i'm goin' to. Nothin' wrong with it just don't use it unless somebody sends me a message and I only check it about once every 2 to 3 weeks.

01/11/12 05:22 AM #2271    

Bill Hughes

just so you know... I still do my own stunts.

02/08/12 05:45 PM #2272    


Russ Prestridge

Hey Maegan....I too miss the old days and i miss us all on here. Maybe we should ralley the old gang on facebook to come back to this site. I am getting to where i hate facebook anyways. Love and miss you all.... Even you too Billy H. and Malcolm.... just sayin'


02/10/12 12:52 PM #2273    

Bill Hughes

I'm feeling the love Russ!


02/14/12 06:15 AM #2274    


Malcolm Cox

Thanks Russ. Me and Billy know where we stand. lol     Well, Josephs out of school again today. I think the superinteendant up here just wanted another day off cause the roads aint bad at all this mornin. We do have a lot of back and dirt roads though. O well, guess the kids will be happy. Hope all is well with all my classmates and their families.

03/01/12 01:25 PM #2275    


Russ Prestridge

 H a P p Y  b I r  f D a Y SHAWN !!  Wishing you all the very best!!! I hope all your Birthday wishes come true! Thanks for your friendship and all you have done for our class. You're still Da' MAN!

03/21/12 06:53 AM #2276    


Malcolm Cox

Just checkin' in with what's goin' on with my classmates. Miss talkin' to and seein' everyone. 

04/02/12 03:12 PM #2277    


Maegan Tanner (Hampton)

no problem, malcom...i may have to ask shawn OR just leave it alone :)

guys, i am all up for getting OFF of facebook and back to this....i can actually be MORE like myself on here than there...and i don't have to worry about anyone's kids seeing what i post...LOL
trouble is that too many of our crew wouldn't know what to do without fb....some people seem to post about 10 times a day!
maybe we could talk shawn about sending out a mass email declaring a particular time of the day (an hour) "88 class website time" from 1-2 or whatever.

p.s. bill, happy to hear you aren't wasting money when you are perfectly capable of doing your own stunts!

04/03/12 05:09 AM #2278    

Bill Hughes

yeah, I'm talented like that.  We have the class facebook group.  It can be a private group so that anything posted can not be seen by anyone other than the members of the group.  I loved this page while everyone was on it, but its really slowed down.


04/15/12 08:33 PM #2279    


Malcolm Cox

Just got back from a much needed campin' trip. Thought I'ld check in and see what was goin' on here.

05/22/12 08:35 PM #2280    

John Pearson

Is there anybody out there?? 



05/25/12 05:34 AM #2281    

Bill Hughes

maybe, maybe not.  no one really knows.

05/31/12 07:57 PM #2282    


Malcolm Cox

O yeah!!!  I'm still here hopin' somebody will find me.  How is everybody?

07/05/12 07:26 PM #2283    


Malcolm Cox

I hope everyone had a safe 4th of July. Hope to see ya'll soon.

07/14/12 10:25 AM #2284    

Lynn Aday

Been getting used to this $&:!?  I phone havent been on here in a while miss the class and by the way i dont do face book but my wife does send me a message and keep in touch on whats happening 

07/16/12 09:49 PM #2285    

Stacy Howie

Hope everyone is having a great summer!

07/17/12 07:22 AM #2286    


Russ Prestridge

I miss everyone here on the class site. Fb is getting old to me and I find this to be more benifical...What do you all think? I think we should use this site more like we used to do. Hope you are all considering to use this site SMAC worked so hard on and come back! Shawn I really hope others will join us back on this awesome site. I can't thank you enough...luv ya man!  


07/17/12 10:09 AM #2287    


Greg Sims

I like facebook for keeping up with family, but I would prefer this site for keeping up with class mates. Lets try to get the word out that classmate correspondence will only take place here...  except for nudy pics - Meagan, you can keep sending those directly to my phone. Thanks!

07/19/12 09:56 AM #2288    


Russ Prestridge

What up Class !?!  --- are so funny !! Party here at 2pm ??


07/26/12 07:46 PM #2289    


Malcolm Cox

I agree everybody, this is way better than facebook. No hassle, no changes I can't handle, just like me plain, simple, and easy to get along with.

08/08/12 01:01 PM #2290    

Kenny Hensley

Really Malcolm, you still look that young. You must have had an easy life so far...haha

08/12/12 12:04 AM #2291    

John Pearson

 Hey everybody.

08/19/12 02:54 PM #2292    


Malcolm Cox

Nope Kenny, my wife just takes better care of me than I would myself.  LOL

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