In Memory

Judith Callaghan (Lyons) VIEW PROFILE

Judith Callaghan (Lyons)

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06/08/10 11:40 PM #1    

Ruth Richardson (Russell)

She was a friend in sophmore year and a very good student.  So sad to hear of her passing.

06/16/10 09:40 AM #2    

Susan Tochterman (Lauer)

The committee received a note from Judy's former husband stating that she had passed away 3/23/94.  She survived breast cancer for many years before her death.  She worked at CSAA in San Francisco for many years before her death.  She has one daughter, Liza Jo Lyons, currently living in Oakland, CA.

07/31/10 08:31 PM #3    

Sally Strubinger

Judy was one of my dearest friends in high school.  I remember many great times but especially the time when she and I worked as motel "maids" the summer between high school and college.  Lynn Petois and Claudia Taft were there too.  

Judy and I had many fun time together.  I remember her as being the only one of us who could buy beer for our weekend ski beach water ski adventures.  

I'm so sorry that I lost touch with her over the years but I'm sure that she had a great life.

09/04/10 01:30 PM #4    

Carol Misterly (Boice)

Judy was always charming and gracious to everyone.  She was beautiful on the outside and on the inside.  I have only the most positive memories of her and am deeply saddened that she was taken so early in life.  Her daughter should know how much Judy's classmates adored her.   

09/09/10 08:36 PM #5    

Paul Trujillo

I came to Cal Jr. High not knowing a soul. Judy incorporated me into her group of friend - getting me invited to parties and meeting people I never would have met on my own. She was a wonderful person. She will be missed.

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