In Memory

Alan Gordon Hunter VIEW PROFILE

Alan Gordon Hunter

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06/26/10 11:01 PM #1    

Furman Lee Bunyard

Most of us knew this person as Alan or Al Hunter.  I didn't know Gordon was his legal first name, he's always been just plain ol "Al" to me.  I worked with Al at the California Franchise Tax Board for over 30 years, he retired sometime around 2002, passed away in October, 2007.  I attended his memorial service.  A really great guy.  I will always remember Al during our high school days when he worked as a boxboy in the Raley's Super Market on Freeport Boulevard, the first of the so-called Super Stores built anywhere.  Al is one person who changed very little in appearance from his high school years as he got older.  I doubt he weighed 5 pounds more when he passed away than during his McClatchy days.  I actually went all the way back to Junior High school with Al, we both attended Joaquin Miller Junior High School, were in the first graduating 9th grade class. 

Godspeed, Al.


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