In Memory

Zenryu Shirakawa VIEW PROFILE

Zenryu Shirakawa

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06/21/10 04:48 PM #1    

Robert Towne

Zen,  You were arguably the smartest person I ever knew.  I hope you had a good and enjoyable life.

07/07/10 09:51 AM #2    

Rosemary Barajas (Frey)

Zen certainly stands out in my high school memory.  I didn't know him socially, but I  was fortunate to share more than a few classes with him.  He would get more than just an "A" , he would get 100 % on just about everything.  If I needed a correct answer, he would have it.  He made us all step up to our highest potential.   

06/21/22 04:23 PM #3    

Ann Gunderson

from Ann Gunderson: I just joined our website and was saddened to hear that Zenryu Shirakawa had died in 2005. There was no Memorial comment, so I looked on the web. I thought so highly of him. Here is what I found.

University of California, Berkeley: Zenryu graduated With Distinction in 1964. (B.A.) (from UCB records online). Also from the web: Zen earned two Masters Degrees and a PhD from Harvard University.

I found on the web that he had been a professor of Japanese at Boston University. He had been teaching there since the 1980s. Upon his unexpected death, students and staff were devastated. The Academic Coordinator said he had a sort of very joking, sarcastic way about him, and that he was one of the more pleasurable professors to deal with. They mentioned that he had died in his home in Revere.

He was teaching 1st semester Japanese and Japanese Civilization, and was expecting to teach Japanese language and Samurai Culture the next semester.

Two comments from his students: "My first Japanese professor was named Zenryu Shirakawa. Nicest man ever. His lectures were this great combination of super serious with hilarious sarcasm. He passed away in 2005 unexpectedly. Big loss for the linguistic community." "He was a really funny guy. He had these really crazy jokes. He made the subject really interesting."

I also found on the web that Zen had translated an art book, but now I cannot find it again.

06/22/22 11:07 AM #4    

Christopher Emley

Zen Shirakawa had the driest humor I ever experienced.  James Townsend, Zen and I clerked for the Department of Employment during a summer more than 60 years ago, and had a good time entertaining each other.  We graduated from Cal in 1964 with at least 5,000 classmates; Zen was one of only three who won the University Medal for highest academic achievement.  I'll bet he was a wonderful and popular professor at BU, and that he enriched the lives of students and colleagues wherever his wit took him.  It was a singular pleasure to know him.

06/25/22 04:13 PM #5    

Roger Nikaido

It was, of course, sad to hear of Zen's passing. Our families were close friends and would spend our vacations together in Lake Tahoe. He was a very intelligent, soft spoken person. May he rest in peaceful tranquility.





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