In Memory

Marilee White (Fraser) VIEW PROFILE

Marilee White (Fraser)

Do you know anything about Marilees's passing?

Can you upload an Obituary?

Please help your classmates be informed.

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07/31/10 09:39 PM #1    

Sally Strubinger

I'll never forget you and how you and your mom took me in after my mother died.  You included me in all of your family activities.  We were always together until college when we went our separate ways.  Even though we kept in touch, it was really never the same.  But that is life.  I know that you thoroughly enjoyed your life, your marriage to Dave, and your two wonderful children, you son Scott and Kristie, your beautiful daughter who looked so much like you.  I know you always had a heart condition but would never had know because of your enthusiam for life.  There were times when I just wanted to stay home but you always pulled me into the middle of whatever fun was going on.  I hope you are at peace. 

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