Missing Classmates

We currently do not have either a street mailing address or an email address for each of these class members. If you have an email address for someone, click on their name and enter their email address in the box; we'll send them an invitation to join us. 

If you have a mailing address or other contact information, please click on the "Contact Us" link on the left and provide what information you can. We'll mail them information. Thanks!


Theresa C. Bryant
Sarah Elizabeth Cannon
Donald E. Davis
Larry W. Davis
Richard L. Davis
Scott M. Erwin
Penny Frye
Relysee R. Haywood Jr.
Ronald Holden
Andrew Kirkland
Joel Morris
Troy V. Morris
Patty A. Pottle (Tauber)
Nannette Price
Darrell Smith
Juan Carlos Smith
Thomas H. White
Darla A. Young
