Barbara Blue, Class of 1972

Profile Updated: March 19, 2010
Barbara Blue, Class of 1972
Residing In: Haiku Maui, HI USA
Children: Shannon 1976, Keoni 1978,Jacob 1981, Carli 1982
Yes! Attending Reunion

In 1970 Jim my twin brother and I moved to Hawaii . My dad was a Col in the Army and was much needed there as he was a social worker and back then lots of military people needed his help. My mom was also a social worker...and because of their jobs I think they kind of understood some of the crazy things we did back then !!! They moved back to Terra Linda in 1974 Jim and I graduated in 1972 and chose to stay in Paradise. Jim eventually moved back to Calif...but I stayed here in this lovely state. I married and moved to Maui which is a much nicer island than where we graduated which was Honolulu.I had 4 beautiful children 2 boys and 2 girls...and now I have 9 grandchildren all residing here on Maui.
My brother Jim struggled with alcohol and drugs till 2 years before he passed away. He died in 2001. Being clean and sober for 2 years and just starting to get on the liver list...but died before that happened. He loved life to the fullest. We had a very special twin bond . There is not a day in my life that I don't see his smile...shining down on me !!!!
I divorced in 1996...and have just remarried to a wonderful man name Dave on Dec. 17 2009.I kept my maiden name..Keeping it close to my heart and to my twin. My mother still lives in Calif and I visit her every year now...usually in the summer.She just moved to Sacramento from Terra Linda to be closer to my brother Bob.
Would love to hear from anyone that remembers us. Aloha for now...Barbara

School Story:

Many fond memories even tho they were so long ago. Alot of memories at the "rec" When you needed a friend to hang out with or talk to you just had to go to the "rec"

What Grammar School did you attend in Terra Linda?

Santa Margarita for 6th grade Miss. Hamma I think was her name

Which Junior High School did you attend?

Vallecito 7th and 8th grade

If you can't attend the reunion, is there a message to old friends and classmates?

Feel free to contact me anytime at

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:02 PM
