Saratoga Springs, New York
Saratoga Springs High School, Class of '75
Saratoga Springs High School Class of 1975 Website FAQs
1. How do I get my password the first time I log-in?
It’s easy! When you get the home page, you will see a log-in box on the upper right side of the screen. At the bottom of that box, you will see a link called “Join Here.” Clicking on that link will take you to a list of class members. Find your name and click on it. Then just follow the instructions for creating a password and setting up your profile. That’s all there is to it!
2. Who can see the information in my profile?
YOU decide who can see your information. When you set up your profile, you will have the option to set the level of privacy that’s right for you. Classmates who are logged-in to the site will then see what you allow them to see. You can change your privacy level at any time.
3. Can someone who is not a member of this website see my information?
No. All pages on the site that contain personal information about class members are password protected. Only classmates who have logged-in with their personal password can see those pages.
4. Can someone who was not a member of the class join this website?
Yes. People who are not class members can join this site as guests. This might include people who were in the class at one point but didn’t graduate with us. It also might include teachers. If you know of someone who is not a classmate but who you think should be invited to join, send a note to the Site Admins.
5. Can I post my own photos to this website?
Yes. You have two options for posting photos. You can post photos to your profile. You can also post photos to Photo Galleries created by the Site Admins. If you want to post a photo to a Photo Gallery, go to that Photo Gallery and look for the link at the bottom of the page.
6. Do I have to worry about copyrights when posting to this website?
Yes, you do. You may post only non-copyrighted materials to this site (unless you are the person who owns the copyright!).
7. Can the Site Admins see information I’ve checked as private?
No. The Site Admins see what everyone else sees. However, if a class member notifies us that you have posted or sent something offensive or harassing, you will hear from us!
8. How was this website created?
This website was created from a template developed by a company called Class Creator. This template is uniquely tailored to the needs of class websites and can be customized for each specific class. We pay a subscription to use it, which includes web hosting, email capability, and much more.
9. Why was Class Creator chosen?
Last October, after the reunion, the Reunion Committee researched options for creating a Class of 1975 website. These options ran the gamut from having our own custom website developed (at a likely cost of several thousand dollars) to using a “free” site filled with lots of annoying ads and solicitations for money. We were referred to Class Creator through a friend and spoke with the Site Admin for a Class Creator website in the Albany, NY area. We were really impressed with what we saw. Of all the companies out there providing class website templates, Class Creator was the most professional looking, the easiest to use and incredibly affordable (less than $100/year).
10. Who pays for the website since it is free to members?
The subscription cost for the website is funded out of proceeds from the Silent Auction held at our 35th reunion last October.
11. What's the difference between the "Message Center" and the "Message Forum"?
The “Message Center” is the place to go when you want to send a private message to another classmate who has joined the site. No one can see messages you send from the “Message Center” except for you and the person you sent it to. The “Message Forum” on the other hand is completely public. It is like a community bulletin board where anyone can post anything and everyone who is logged-in to the site can see it.
12. What if I have another question that’s not answered here?
If you don’t see your question here, send a private message to one of the Site Admins, Sandy Daigler or Peggy Ponton. If enough people ask the same question, we’ll add it to this page.