Around Town...


To think future drivers are still learning how to drive in the Drivers Ed parking lot...


Front of Satellite...getting ready to do major renovations



McDonald's got a face lift

Looking north on A1A...across Atlantic Plaza. Ramada is missing, torn up from 2004 Hurricanes.


 The old "Pantry Pride" is now Satellite's Rec Center


The old Library on Cassia is now City Hall and has been named for Scotty Culp. Yes, you still see her around town helping out with everything!

Old Mark Realty Beach...A-frame. Now Pelican Beach.

The city has renovated "old Mark Realty Beach" with new pavillions, volleyball area, grills,  play area for children, new bathrooms, and showers.


And yes..the beach is still as beautiful...


The bowling alley was also demolished after the 2004 Hurricanes...Investment properties anyone??