Shelly Frisch Small

Profile Updated: November 27, 2019
Residing In: Shaker Heights, OH USA
Occupation: Retired Social Worker
Spouse/Partner: Bill Small

Our 50th Reunion is now 8 months away. I enjoy being on the Reunion Committee and feel like I am hanging out with Family every time we have a meeting. We feel it will be a joyful celebration.

Life is challenging for all of us. I just moved my beloved dad into a nursing home. He will be 96 in January, and is cognitively perfect, but has health issues (of course). I feel so lucky to still have him around as I lost my mom in 1971. I was one of the first to lose a parent and am one of the last to still have a parent, funny how that is.

I am grateful to be healthy and enjoy being with my wonderful husband Bill.
My favorite hobby is walking around Shaker, taking photos. The Shaker Historical Society has made a 2020 Shaker Calendar with my photography, I'm really proud of it. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again at our 50th in July.

I see that I haven't updated on this page for 6 years. Now I am 67, time flies.
I retired August 31 2018 from a job I loved for 32 years, as a LSW Social Worker in the Adoption Department of Probate Court. I worked in the beautiful and historical Cuyahoga County Court House. I find retirement to be a Gift, that one can't fully appreciate until they are in their 60's. I am an amateur photographer and take a lot of pictures of Shaker. The Shaker Historical Society used my photographs for a 2019 Shaker Calendar, and are going to have another one in 2020. The Calendar is a Fundraiser for the Shaker Historical Society. I post many of the Shaker pictures on the Facebook Group, GROWING UP IN SHAKER. If you are a Facebook fan, it is a fun group with classmates from every year at Shaker. I am excited to be on the Reunion Committee for our 50th. We are hoping for a big turn out, as it is NOW OR NEVER.

Most of us have already turned 60 this year, it's so hard to believe.
I've decided I'm going to try and work 10 more years at my current job.
I really enjoy my work, find it extremely fulfilling. The longer I work, the better my retirement will be, and it's important to be financially secure during retirement. My husband and I are both Social Workers, so you know our pay isn't tremendous. As long as I'm healthy, I'll keep working. It's fun working downtown. I'm in the Historic Cuyahoga County Court House. A scene in the Avengers movie was filmed in my building. They are building the new Medical Mart next door. One day I walked to the bank at lunch time and decided to check out the New HorseShoe Casino at Public Square. I spent and lost $2, and decided that was enough for me. It was a thrill though, to see the Casino, in the old Higbee building.

I've added some new pictures, there is nothing like being in Shaker when all the trees change their colors, just so gorgeous.

I'm really enjoying taking pictures (can you tell) of Shaker and Cleveland and putting them on this website. I've gotten so many comments from classmates saying they miss this incredible beauty. Many of us walked to school as kids and were around this every day. I don't think I could ever live anywhere else.
I think this website is awesome (do people still use that word, I do). I'm enjoying all the memories, reflections and wisdom that I've been reading from fellow classmates. It's hard to believe we are 60, I feel so young inside.

School Story:


I moved to Shaker (from Beachwood) the summer before 8th grade. I'm envious of all of you who share elementary school memories. I was lucky to move next door to Sally Cooper, who introduced me to a few "kids" before school started, like our neighbor Chrys Ankeney. I remember not be allowed to wear eye makeup to school. I would stop at Chrys's to pick her up and would go up to her room to put on some makeup. I made some great friends in 8th grade, Peter Guren, Rob Friedman, Susie Henle, Katie Goodfriend, Debbie Boyd, Bert Debeneditto, Jim MacCutcheon and Laurie Stein. I loved Woodbury and really felt a strong connection to my new friends.
I was pretty naive and innocent at Shaker High,
but in retropspect am glad that I grew up the old fashioned way.

My mom died from lung cancer in 1971. My dad moved to the Orient for business in 1975. I was
pretty independent and self reliant and got used to making my own decisions. I married my first husband in 1975, was divorced in 1983 and enjoyed being single and living on my own until 1991. I have always enjoyed my own company
so I didn't view this as a problem. I fell in love again in 1991 and married my current husband Bill Small (Shaker class of 1971) in 1992. We are both social workers. I've been at Probate Court in the Adoption Department for the last 27 years. My office is in the Cuyahoga County Court House, which is a beautiful historic building. I love my work. Bill is a Hospice social worker. We live in Shaker, I just love this place. I am an amateur photographer and take most of my pictures locally.

My dad moved back to Cleveland and now lives across the street from me. He is an amazing 88 year old and is still very healthy. He's an amateur photographer too and we frequently take pictures together.
I feel really lucky to still have him around.

Classmates You Still See Regularly:

Debbie and Peter Guren, Betsy Leininger Williger,
Laurie Stein Marsh, Katie Goodfriend Block, Patty Marcus Inglis,
Rob Friedman, Rob Baskin, Jamie Baskin, and the Reunion Committee.

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Shelly Frisch Small has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
May 15, 2024 at 6:12 PM

I didn't know David, but from what I've read he was the most wonderful man.  His death sounds like it was horrific.  I am sending prayers and strength to Joyce and those who loved him.

Shelly Frisch Small added a comment on her Profile.
Mar 26, 2024 at 9:19 PM
Shelly Frisch Small added a comment on her Profile.
Mar 25, 2024 at 8:52 AM
Shelly Frisch Small has a birthday today. New comment added.
Jan 24, 2024 at 11:53 PM

Posted on: Jan 21, 2024 at 4:33 AM

Shelly Frisch Small has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
Aug 11, 2023 at 5:51 PM

I'm so very sorry to hear about Jon.  I remember him from Woodbury, bright and caring.

May he rest in peace.

Shelly Frisch Small has left an In Memory comment for Maureen Krislov.
Jul 15, 2023 at 11:37 AM

I didn't now Maureen well, but she was always really nice when we spoke.  I saw her last year at the reunion, where she was funny and engaging.  The many comments written on this site about her are an indication of how wonderful a person she was.  May she rest in peace.  

Shelly Frisch Small has left an In Memory comment for Nancy Weiss Klein.
Jun 18, 2023 at 4:48 PM

I didn't know Nancy, but am very sad that another classmate has passed away.  I really enjoyed Laurel's post, Nancy sounds like she was a lovely, kind and generous person.  May she rest in peace.

Shelly Frisch Small has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
Jun 03, 2023 at 4:30 PM

I was really sad to hear this news.  I knew Matt from Woodbury, and got to know him better in college because I was so close with his girlfriend Laurie Stein.  Robby Friedman, Matt, Laurie and I went to FL during one of our Spring Breaks from OSU.  The four of us hitchhiked from Miami down  to  Key West.  2 guys in a station wagon picked the four of us up, it was a great adventure.  May Matt rest in peace.

Jan 21, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Shelly Frisch Small added a comment on her Profile.
Jan 05, 2023 at 6:58 PM
Shelly Frisch Small added a comment on her Profile.
Jan 04, 2023 at 4:12 PM
Oct 29, 2022 at 11:21 AM

This site will only let me post 2 or 3 at a time.

Oct 29, 2022 at 11:19 AM

Here's a few more photos from yesterday, 10/28/22

Shelly Frisch Small posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 28, 2022 at 9:17 AM

Posted on: Oct 27, 2022 at 12:10 PM This is the link for the Shaker 2023 Calendar, yesterday's post contained a period, which made the link unavailable to access.

Shelly Frisch Small posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 28, 2022 at 2:48 PM

Posted on: Oct 26, 2022 at 11:57 AM

I will probably post this a few times before the end of the year. I'm thrilled to announce that the Shaker Historical Society will be selling Shaker 2023 Calendars. I am the photographer taking 11 of the 12 pictures, and my 98 year old dad, Marc Frisch, took 1 of the shots. They are available for purchase in person at the Shaker Historical Society, 16740 South Park Blvd, Shaker, OH 44120, or online. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions. Here are a few recent photos I have taken.

Shelly Frisch Small posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 07, 2022 at 3:49 PM

Posted on: Oct 06, 2022 at 11:13 AM

I'm thrilled to announce that the Shaker Historical Society will be selling Shaker 2023 Calendars. I am the photographer taking 11 of the 12 pictures, and my 98 year old dad, Marc Frisch, took 1 of the shots. They are available for purchase in person at the Shaker Historical Society, 16740 South Park Blvd, Shaker, OH 44120, or online. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Shelly Frisch Small added a comment on her Profile. New comment added.
Jul 30, 2022 at 4:43 PM

Posted on: Jul 21, 2022 at 9:15 PM

Jul 21, 2022 at 9:02 PM
Shelly Frisch Small added a comment on her Profile.
Jul 21, 2022 at 7:12 AM
Shelly Frisch Small posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 18, 2022 at 8:46 AM

Posted on: Jul 17, 2022 at 11:10 AM

Good morning everyone, just wanted to share with you an update about beloved classmate Blair Taliaferro, who seemed to collapse last night while on the dance floor. Fortunately a few of our classmates are physicians who assessed there might be a big problem. Blair went by ambulance to the local hospital. I spoke to Blair's wife Beverly this morning who informed me that Blair had an emergency pacemaker put in. Beverly told me that there were heart specialists available as soon as Blair entered the hospital. He will b ok, did not have a heart attack and there is no blockage, and is resting comfortably. Blair has no history of heart issues, and had a physical 3 months ago. Beverly asked that I share this info with all of you. If you have any questions please email me directly at Stay well my friends...........Shelly

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Springtime in Downtown Cleveland. The Cuyahoga County
Court House (where I work) is in the background.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Wade Lagoon, located by the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
I call this "Fairy Tale" because that's what it reminds me of, taken in a yard on Shaker Blvd.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Browns Game 10/4/09
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Autumn 2008, Shaker Heights, OH
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Falmouth Road, Shaker Heights, Oct. 24, 2009
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Shaker Rapid, as you can see they aren't yellow
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Thornton Park, January 2010.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Blooming Tree, Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland
Heights, April 2010
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:43 AM
May 5, 2010
