I have really enjoyed reading other's stories and seeing their many photos, past and present. I would include photos of Trent's and my three kids if only I knew how. My computer skills are pretty basic. Some of you classmates have really put a lot of effort into your profiles and you should know that it has not gone unnoticed.
Trent and I met in the spring of our junior year at Shorecrest and we married 18 years later when we started our family. For much of the in between, we shared many experiences, Shoreline C.C., then graduated from the University of Washington. When Trent went to Gonzaga Law School, I got my degree in journalism from Eastern. I went on to work in community newspapers as photographer and editor until our daughter, Paige, was born in 1986. When our son, Shay, was born in 89, I started a part time job as a theme reader for the Northshore School District, a job I continue to do today, along with working with Trent in his glass manufacturing company. Son, Dru, is a senior at Roosevelt this year. We live in a house near Green Lake which we have remodeled many times over the years. Trent is pretty much a self taught carpenter, plumber, electrician, whatever. Not bad for a guy whom Mr. Waller told would "never amount to anything."