New BHS & Band Info


New Buena High


Band Info


Picture of the New Buena High School


To See The

Buena High School

Web Site

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After 30 plus years Rick Klein has turned over the reigns of the Marching Colts.  "Coach" Klein still continues to be a Huge part of the School, Community and Band Group.  (Daughter Carrie , remember her in her little band uniform,  has now made him a "Proud Grandpa".  She works in the Fine Arts dept for BHS) .  His guidance, inspiration, dedication and his pure love of music will inspire us forever.

The new LEADER is Dr. Duane Chun,  BHS 81....  (uuhhhh... you were a Junior,....... and we were   He has been taught by the best,  and will do a Great job with the responsibility of the Band. 

Check out these web sites:



                              1967 BHS Marching Colts at the Az State Fair                   




                     Did you know we got our fight song from Notre Dame University?


push preview and sing along



Cheer Cheer for our Blue and White

We play the game with all of our might

Buena Colts will never say die

Just shake down the thunder from the sky

Whether we win, or whether we loose

Buena High Colts will not have the blues

While our loyal fighting team (varsity) goes

Marching to Victory..Marching to Victory  

(Thanks Dr. Duane Chun for the words)


If you have any old band pictures, please E-mail them to me and we will get them on this page!