In Memory

Robert Rodney

Robert Rodney

Ron Moffatt was notified of Robert's death on June 27, 2017 and passed it on through Joyce Eltz.  Obituary to follow.

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07/05/17 11:34 AM #1    

John Barany

bob and i sat in the front row in French class, Miss Cross.  We got in big trouble over a test--something about a floating answer sheet.  Abraham Lincoln Parker adjudicated and I ended up a big loser.   Bob survived.

haven't seen or heard of him since.  

Peaxe out, Bob.


07/05/17 12:49 PM #2    

Robert Stuart

Most of my memories of Bob go back to Roosevelt days.  Bob seemed to view things in very much his own way and I admired him for it.  Always an interesting, unique and enjoyable guy.  This is very sad news.  

07/05/17 03:06 PM #3    

James Dietzman

Remember Robert as a fun loving prankster (especially Mr Clift's 7th grade class). Had a fight with him in eight grade and did ok. BUT when we came back for HS, he had grown 3 or so inches and I was same. He asked if I wanted a rematch. Remember the hearse he and brother Bill bought? He had an IQ test in 6th or 7th grade and came back as genius, even though he wanted to play more than study. RIP my old friend. Remember Dr. Rodneys house as a place to get lost in.

07/05/17 04:28 PM #4    

Jay Daniels

Rob was a close friend both at Roosevelt and LC.  His father bought a great rambling home basically in the

middle of Manito Park. They came from Germany where his dad was military doctor.  They had boxes of war memorobelia that we would wear & play with all over that park. Both Rob & his brother Bill I remember well.

Sorry to hear of his passing.

Jay Daniels

07/05/17 09:00 PM #5    

Bruce Goodrich

Rob, aka Bert, marched to his own drummer.  He was one of the good guys.  Great sense of humor and good friend of Ron Moffatt's.  He attended the 50th year reunion and I enjoyed hearing his review the following day at breakfast.  I understand he was quite successful in real estate, owning his own firm.  He invited some of us down to his place in Palm Springs.  Bert was quite depressed over the recent death of his wife which, I guess, could have led to his poor health. 

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