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02/17/17 01:11 PM #88    

Shera Cohen

Oops re: Terry -- yes, she also taught here.

05/12/17 07:17 PM #89    

John Gurvitch


in case anyone is interested, there is a jazz event the night before the reunion,

at the
Bing Arts Center
716 Sumner Ave
Springfield, MA 01108
(413) 731-9730
at 8PM, with a $15 admissiion

Composer/pianist Christopher Bakriges and jazz violinist Gwen Laster
perform Bakriges compositions based on the jazz cut-outs of Henri Matisse.
$15, $10 students.
Chamber jazz
Sponsored by Rotary Records

Brian Hale, also a Classical alum, is the Director of the Bing Arts Center,
in the old Bing movie theater

05/17/17 09:22 PM #90    

Larry Smolarz

For those interested, David Crosby & Friends are playing at the Academy of Music in Northampton on Friday 5/19, at 8 p.m. Tickets range between $49.50 and $79.50.

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or call (413)584-9032.

05/18/17 05:22 PM #91    

Thomas Suher

I am sorry I won't be at our 50th reunion this weekend - it's a pretty long way from Greensboro, North Carolina to Springfield.  I do wish everyone the best and will be thinking of those who made it to the reunion (I'll drink a beer or maybe 2 on Saturday in your honor) and of course those who have passed.  I look back at those days at Classical as good years.  If any of our classmates ever get down here to Norht Carolina, the welcome mat is out.


Tom Suher 

05/18/17 09:20 PM #92    

John Gurvitch

Hi Tom,

I would have loved to see you here, but I completely realize the distance/travel factors.
I'll hoist a beer to you in hopes for the future.
Be well.

John Gurvitch

05/19/17 08:04 AM #93    

Karen Ehrlich (Gantt)

Hi everyone,  I cannot make the reunion this weekend-hate to miss it; had a great time at our last one. I'm sure a good time will be had by all!  Say, Tom, maybe we should have a mini one for all us Southerns!   Karen

05/19/17 03:40 PM #94    


Philip Bronner

Hello All.

Sorry I won't be able to make the Reunion either (Oregon is even further than North Carolina!) Too many irons in the fire, and not enough time!

05/19/17 06:25 PM #95    

Elaine Glazer

Hi every one at the 50th Reunion.   I am sorry I can not be there.. and hope that you all have a wonderful time...

Looking forward to seeing the  pictures   of the reunion...


Elaine Glazer

05/19/17 08:10 PM #96    

Alan Klibanoff

Sad to be missing the reunion this weekend.

 However, tomorrow, May 20, is my wife's 65th birthday. The family is planning a big celebration. Have to keep my younger trophy wife of 40+ years happy!

 We had to miss the last reunion because of the birth of a grandchild.  Best wishes to everyone, and hopefully can make the next one! 


05/20/17 11:57 AM #97    

Cynthia Raison (Amato)

I too am sorry that I won't be at the reunion since I made all the others. My husband and I are in Amsterdam. I hope everyone has fun this weekend.

05/20/17 03:12 PM #98    

Teresina (Terri) Romano (Wickham)

I'm so disappointed to have to miss this important reunion. I will be in Chicago visiting my daughter and her family. Sending a big HELLO to everyone   Have a great time. 

05/21/17 02:26 PM #99    

Sheila Bewsee

Darn Terri. I was looking forward to seeing you!

05/21/17 05:51 PM #100    

Ernest Papadoulias

Best wishes to all at the reunion.

05/21/17 07:38 PM #101    

Judy Carman (Fulmer)

Sorry not to be able to attend this reunion.  The last one was great.  Thinking of you all this evening.

05/21/17 09:26 PM #102    

Thalia Cokkinias (Lambert)

Hope everyone has a great time at the reunion. I will miss being there as I hah hoped to see so many of you.

05/22/17 11:53 AM #103    

Roberta Scougall (Nadeau)

The reunion was WONDERFUL!!  It was so well planned and provided a perfect chance for classmates to meet and greet and catch up and learn about our travels and growth over the 50 years...what fun!   A HUGE thank you to the ladies who organized this event - Cheryl, Susan, Sherri and Roberta - your efforts were truly appreciated.  

05/22/17 04:12 PM #104    

John Gurvitch

I just want to completely and emphatically agree with Roberta Scougall (Nadeau) !!
Especially to thank those who were involved in the planning, their efforts came to fruition in a wonderful event, one that was a joy to attend.   Susan Greenberg Rose spoke about the future of maintaining some sort of website presence for our class.  and asked for volunteers to step in or up to take over from her in the future.  I don't know if there was any response to her request, but I would suggest that some of us make a committment to contribute $10 towards the annual fee to maintain a site, for lets say the next five, or some number of years.  I have some limitations, but would be willing to work with one or a few others to work on keeping the site updated and functioning etc.  I would certainly be willing to commit $10 a year for at least five years.  From what Susan said, we could get by with such a committment from 15 to 20 folks.  Just a thought.    Susan said that this site is paid only through August of this year, so think hard and think fast.  *g*

It was great to see so many familiar faces, and to chat with as many as I could get to.
Thanks to everyone who attended, you all were part of making it such a wonderful night.
and so many of you look so great all these years later!!  Way to go!!


05/23/17 12:53 PM #105    

Thomas Suher

John G's idea to keep the site going is excellent - he sounds more sensible than I remember him (just kidding John!).  I have no IT skills to contribute but would be glad like John to contribute financially.  Also hope some photos from the reunion will be posted on the site - at least after touch up work to make all look good.

Although I wan't there, compliments to Cheryl, Susan, Sherri and Roberta and others involved  for organizing the reunion, establshing and maintaining the website and basically keeping the class of 1967 fires burning.  It is no suprise that the women in our class are doing all the good work in that regard!


Tom Suher

05/23/17 03:40 PM #106    


Madeleine Ingram (DeVane)

That was one of the best of times for me. To you ladies who put our reunion in motion l applaud you. In addition to seeing my former classmates l got an opportunity to see old neighbors and other friends.l wish everyone good health,prosperity in the coming years. Stay happy keep the faith to grow into something bigger and better, so until we meet again l love you all--Madeleine (Ingram) DeVane

05/23/17 03:52 PM #107    


Susan Greenberg (Rose)

Tom: Don't know if you are o facebook. Jan Peacore Burling posted a number of pictures.... Just friend me and you can see them all. 

05/24/17 11:33 PM #108    

Carolyn Whiting

Hi Everyone,

I also appreciate the work that went into planning the reunion and the work that goes in to maintaining the website.  I would be happy to contribute to the cost of the website and help out however I can with maintaining it, especially since I am not on Facebook.

Thank you for a delightful reunion!


05/28/17 02:03 PM #109    

Donna Zerwitz

I'm not on Facebook, but would love to see photos from our reunion. If it's possible to post them here, or make them available in some other manner, that would be great.  -- Donna Zerwitz 

05/29/17 11:07 AM #110    


Michael DiSalvo

As has been stated many times above, I would like to thank all the members of the 50th Reunion Committee for all their hard work and efforts. The affair was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. My congratulations for a job well done. May there be a few more in the future.


05/29/17 02:18 PM #111    


Cheryl McDowell

I agree with Donna. It would be wonderful to see the photos on the Classical 1967 web site.

As part of the planning committee, I really appreciate hearing all your thank-yous! It was fabulous to see everyone mingling and talking with such a great variety of people.

05/30/17 12:02 PM #112    

Ernest Papadoulias

Hi All, I do web design work and would be happy to run/maintain the web site. Let me know. Glad that Mike DS is alive and kicking!!

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