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•   Gay Lipman  9/20
•   Tim Umbarger  9/23
•   Jack Bamberger  9/24
•   Katie Carr (Duffy)  9/28
•   Cynthia Platzer (Becker)  10/4
•   Kristy Bickers (Stephenson)  10/12
•   Ted Hoener  10/15
•   Michael Komen  10/17
•   Paul McNees  10/19



•   Bill Phelan  7/2
•   Steve Hirsch ('78)  8/11
•   Tina McCoy (Hahler)  9/25
•   John Miener  9/24
•   Scott Chasin  7/11
•   Test User  10/23
•   Charles Sabadell  6/23
•   Kathy Peavler (Sutton)  6/19
•   Valerie Thursby (Mollerup)  6/18
•   Daniel Christy  4/1
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Parkway East Junior Class Of 79 High School
Class Of 1979

The 30 Year Reunion on 10/3/09 Was a Blast!!!

Order Your Reunion Video/Photo Set Below!!!


Thank You From Your Reunion Committee
Linda Bloomfield Madigan, Diana Allen, Ginger Fawcett
Sonya Moranz Kemp, Kevin Levin



Sunday, October 4, 2009

What a wonderful night it was for Dave and me!!! 
It was so nice to see everyone who were a special part
of our lives at East.  Everyone was a joy to visit with,
especially hearing about their successes, family, etc. 
It was an event we will be talking about and remem-
bering for a long time to come.  I am especially proud
of all of you for all you were as students and what great
role models and people you have become.  It is so great
to be an educator to witness that!

Thank you so much for inviting us as to miss the
evening with you all would have been truly sad.  It was
so good to catch up with you and hearing about your
successes and family.


NAME NOT ON THE CLASSMATES LIST?  Or for students from Class of 77-80, Teachers, etc:  If you are a member of a different class and would like to become a member of our site simply click on the CLASSMATE PROFILE link on the right and scroll down to the bottom where it lists GUEST MEMBERS.  Choose one of the generic "Guest #" links and edit it to create your profile.


Help Us Find Your Friends!

If you are from the class of 77, 78 or 80 and are willing to contact the Parkway Alumni Center to get a copy of your class list we will be happy to upload it to this site.  Currently we only have the list for the class of 79 and we've managed to find nearly half our classmates.  We'd love to add the other classes and keep this site going for the next five years! 

We would also appreciate if you will forward a link to this web site to any classmates whose email address you might have.  We need EVERYONE to create or update their profile so we can send out email updates in the future.

"Friends are the most important part of your life.
Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter,
but most importantly, treasure the memories."
...Dave Brenner

 The PARKWAY ALUMNI association wants to keep in touch with you!  If you have not logged in to the Parkway site please do.  They keep the master database of alumni and have been a huge help while we were planning the reunion.  Be sure to update your profile at their site so when other reunions are planned in the future everyone will know how to find YOU.  Visit their site at:

If you are a registered classmate, welcome back!  Enjoy looking at the profiles of old friends BUT don't forget to add/update your own photos and information!

If you are a visitor, thank you for visiting!

Whatever your status, check back often as classmates will continue to post new/updated photos and our site may change from time to time.