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12/23/23 09:21 AM #2402    


David Frazer

To help those with seasonal depression; I would have in the Church bulletin the increase of daylight to encourage (and have some encouraging scriptures in the bulletin and the hand out of the times).. I always thought it was the same day; but one year it was..... and then as you all know, it is decieving because it actually continues to get darker on one end but the lighter side makes the overall daylight seconds more, then.... and so, I do enjoy the daylight. This year it doesn't seem to matter for us northerners because of the nice, warm weather. The question is, Do any of you southerners care about winter solstice?

12/23/23 09:27 AM #2403    


David Frazer

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! Blessings in the Savior name!   For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord  And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:    “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:11-14, New King James Version)

12/27/23 12:59 PM #2404    


Douglas Kladis

  Dave nothing beats the old King James Luke chapter 2 the most beautiful story ever                                                     .                     Hope you and your family had a merry Christmas and may the new year bring you many blessings 




12/30/23 05:14 PM #2405    


Steve Hardy

I just got word that Jim Gaumitz passed away in 2016.  I posted his obituary in the "In Memory" page.  I remember him as a great guy with a very friendly and cheerful disposition.  In the obituary, it is said that he was a scoutmaster.  Not surprising, as he seemed to be very much a "people person."

A special thanks to Christopher Stickney for letting us know of Jim's passing.


12/31/23 11:46 PM #2406    


Steven Bilderback

Happy New year to one and all! 🥳

Let the new you bring you health and and all things that bring you joy. heart

01/04/24 12:03 AM #2407    


David Frazer

Hey Doug. The Old King James has some poetry and uniqueness; but the New King James is easier to read. I have been using the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament for my devotions and using to follow the Pastor's sermon at Church. One old timer said, "The best version of the Bible is the one that is read." My question is, "How are you northerners enjoying this unseemingly winter?"

01/04/24 12:09 AM #2408    


David Frazer

Thanks for posting Jim's notice. I last saw Jim (I think) in the 90's and he told me he was a probation officer. I can't remember the circumstances of meeting; but, Jim was always a great guy and open in conversation..

01/14/24 05:03 PM #2409    


David Frazer

Wow! Here it is January 14th in Wisconsin and we finally have a colder winter. They say 15 degrees in Dallas. What is your Temperature?

01/15/24 09:21 AM #2410    


Diane Klug (Gunter)

Hi it's 53 degrees here in South Carolina

01/15/24 06:34 PM #2411    


Steve Hardy

Here in northern Alabama, I stepped out of my front door, braving the elements, to capture this photo of our great blizzard of the season.  The precipitation has passed for the most part, but some of the schools in the area will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday as the snow will remain and temps will drop into the single digits.  And y'all thought things were tough in Minnesota!

01/15/24 08:37 PM #2412    


Steven Kaufhold

So the kids get to stay home and build snowmen??

01/16/24 05:10 AM #2413    


Steve Hardy


Perhaps the kids can build snowmen large enough for their Pollie Pockets and small toy soldiers.

01/16/24 11:23 AM #2414    


David Frazer

53 degrees sounds warm; but if I remember right the humidity made things feel cold. Am I remembering right, Diane? Steve the snow looks awesome. Our first Christmas at Fort Stewart, Georgia, we woke up to snow.. Drove to Sue's parents in Thomasville. Even though the same amount you have, Steve, there were cars in the "ditch" and a lot longer drive. Steve Kaufman, you didn't say what the weather was in Cottage Grove. I would think a couple of degrees warmer. laugh

01/17/24 01:28 PM #2415    


Steven Kaufhold

Hey Dave, in Cottage Grove we got maybe an inch.. the snow keeps missing us..

but, boy-oh-boy, we haven't missed out on the below zero stuff.. hope you all are well

01/18/24 10:37 AM #2416    


Steve Hardy

Update on our blizzard:

The trash and recycling pickup has been cancelled for this week.  Actually, with the ice covering very narrow residentual streets, I would be nervous about driving a garbage truck as well.  The ditches are shallow along the streets, but the ice is just enough to require a tow truck to rescue any vehicle that slides off the road.

01/19/24 07:38 AM #2417    


Tom Birkholm

Low70's and sunny pool side in Palm Springs!

01/20/24 03:14 PM #2418    


David Frazer

Thanks Tom! You do know you stand out like a sore thumb...70 degrees. wink

01/20/24 11:24 PM #2419    


Steve Hardy

Mail delivery was resumed yesterday, after a 3 day delay.  I guess that creed "Neither rain , nor snow, nor sleet, nor gloom of night  . . ." doesn't apply unless there are snowplows in the area.

Tom, just be grateful your classmates don't post "hate emojis"!  angel 

01/21/24 01:34 PM #2420    


David Frazer

Steve, about the post office... your Minnesota friend Bob Zimmerman was right.... "The times they are a changing." Things are changing so fast. I told Sue that everything we say is being recorded now. Sue Laughed. I laughed, Alexa Laughed. Siri laughed. My TV turned off.

02/05/24 05:54 PM #2421    


Yvette Fuchs (Nierenhausen)

Getting ready for our 50th Class Reunion?!  Please update any change of addresses so we can get you your invite!  It's right around the corner!  Enjoy the Springtime weather!

02/06/24 01:25 PM #2422    


David Frazer

Thanks Yvette! I went and looked on the member function, EDIT CONTACT INFORMATION. Sure enough, I had me living in New Richmond still. Thanks! Looking forward to us classmates getting together on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Friday, October 11th.

02/06/24 08:31 PM #2423    

Robert Ayre

Hello fellow classmates! So far we have escaped winter here in Minnesota! Thanks for sending the picture of snow Steve! Yvette and I would like to enlist those classmates who are on this site to talk/email/facebook to those classmates that you stay in contact with. That will greatly help us with knowing those who want to attend the 50th reunion. We appreciate your help.
On a side note I was saddened to hear of Jim Gaumitz passing. I used to walk/bike by his house throughout the summers going to Carver lake to swim and fish. He will always remembered. He was in my 6th grade class and others . He talked about his dome home a lot.
Missed along with all the others.

02/17/24 12:58 PM #2424    


David Frazer

I wonder if we post all our illnesses how that would affect the site? We as a class our pushing into the no where land; we never considered being this old back 50 years ago. Social Security retirement was made for 65 because men died at 63 years old. Curiously, how old do you think you will live now?

02/22/24 08:31 AM #2425    


David Frazer

Forgot to tell my guess. Hopefully74 years. That will give two years semi-retirement; but all of life has to be ready to fluctuate. If I live that long; I just want to be a nice guy; not a cranky old Stick-In-the-Mud! So far, I'm getting cranky and grumpy. How are you doing?laugh Happy March!.

02/24/24 01:57 PM #2426    


John Cavanaugh

Dave, I hoping for four score and two. smiley


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