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03/12/24 02:59 PM #2446    


Steven Bilderback

Dave your retirement can be easier than you thought. Really easy, start mailing ou your wife's resume'. 😲

03/12/24 04:51 PM #2447    


Yvette Fuchs (Nierenhausen)

Dave, I worked in administrative healthcare for 30 years, and got replaced by a young know it all(not) when I was 50, then took on a new career as a Personal Fitness Trainer a Nutrition Consultant. I did that full time for 10 years. Now just a couple of clients, so yes, retired!  It's been a fun ride, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!  You just can't open the door for Bob, he'll have a come back every time 😅 Wait for it.....

03/13/24 10:07 AM #2448    

Robert Ayre

Yvette I just "a door" the fact that you think so highly of me or just a door knob! Too bad you weren't an animal TRAINER you could have had me as a client. I wouldn't be " lion" if I said you have some talent in putting this reunion together (must be your administrative) knowledge. So since you said you are retired at what point were you tired before you became re-tired? So I'm wondering if you open the door for me at the reunion? Or just not let it hit me on the way out!?

Enjoy the sunshine!

03/13/24 10:10 AM #2449    

Robert Ayre

Yvette here I am again you said you wanted me to come back well...

03/13/24 02:52 PM #2450    


Steven Kaufhold

Wow!!! Bob how much would you charge to do a stand up routine at the reunion?

03/14/24 07:57 AM #2451    

Robert Ayre

Steve K. Obviously I wouldn't take the job laying down. Unless I laid down a new routine. And the charge depends on how much voltage 120/220. How long my battery lasts. Also knowing we were the Park High school Indians well then I may end up like General Custer and it would be my last stand!I'm sure many cant " stand" my comments. The limit is we only have the VFW RED BARN from 5-12pm so I would run or walk out of time. So many fun events planned!

03/14/24 07:22 PM #2452    


Steve Hardy


Given our time constraints at the Red Barn, I would suggest that, whichever routine you wish to execute, that you try to be "pun-ctual" when delivering your performance.

03/14/24 08:01 PM #2453    


Yvette Fuchs (Nierenhausen)

Good one Steve!  Competition Bob 😅

03/14/24 11:18 PM #2454    


David Frazer

I have been told over and over that puns are the lowest form of comedy. I disagree, there is a lot lower comedy. As a counselor I get to tell the same joke(s) over and over to youngsters (I see all ages). A great gig to start at 63 years old. But, No Bob, I won't do jokes with you as a team. Besides, Steve is one of the best Pun-ers around. You're good enough, you can stand alone. I'm looking forward to the time in October!

03/15/24 10:12 AM #2455    

Robert Ayre

Steve Hardy har har! First they would have to remove my constraints as it's tough to get out of these straight jackets! Also, I see Yvette had started training you and you made it through the number " one!" . Keep in mind that her nutritional supplements are peanut M & Ms. Nothing wrong with that! Dave comedy is judged individually by various people's sense of humor. Even stupid jokes keep the anal people happy so they can smile in having something to complain about. Not that I've heard anyone complaining yet! Yvette kick Steve up to number 2. Or just punt!

03/17/24 04:27 PM #2456    


David Frazer

Bob here's a pun: a woman in labor suddenly shouted, “Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t! Couldn’t! Didn’t! Can’t!” The doctor told, "Don't worry; those are just contractions." Corny and painful?

03/17/24 05:36 PM #2457    

Robin Fairholm (Ramberg)

Hi, I don't think I've ever messaged here in the past but I would like to see if anyone would be interested in Park High iron on screen prints? I have 9 separate pages. They have the Indian along with words Cottage Grove Park High Indians. I will also post on the Facebook school page.

Thank you Robin Fairholm Ramberg

03/17/24 05:36 PM #2458    

Robin Fairholm (Ramberg)

Hi, I don't think I've ever messaged here in the past but I would like to see if anyone would be interested in Park High iron on screen prints? I have 9 separate pages. They have the Indian along with words Cottage Grove Park High Indians. I will also post on the Facebook school page.

Thank you Robin Fairholm Ramberg

03/17/24 08:04 PM #2459    

Robert Ayre

Robin thank you for being a part of this fun site! And definitely we could use the prints for the 50th reunion. We are getting together this Saturday at Panera in Woodbury if you want to join @ 10am.

03/17/24 08:12 PM #2460    

Robert Ayre

Dave I won't contradict that labor would be painful and probably as much as my puns!

03/17/24 08:22 PM #2461    

Robert Ayre

Dave corny well maybe but it's a good thing it cant hear even though it has ears. Shucks

03/18/24 05:31 PM #2462    


Steven Bilderback

Ya, some may think your jokes might be a bit corny, but I think that they are a-maize-ing.

03/18/24 05:44 PM #2463    


Steven Bilderback

Sorry, I was a little late responding to your humor, I'll try and be more pun-ctual next time.

03/19/24 02:17 PM #2464    


David Frazer

Steve and Bob, two messages each to respond to a corny joke... that is almost like "stalk"-ing.

03/19/24 09:13 PM #2465    

Robert Ayre

Dave/ Steve B. I knew something was up my "ear" was ringing. But I don't think corn rows would look good on either of you. Things are popping now! Just had to butter you up a bit and turn the heat on!i will call you kernel Frazier! Steve werent tractoring very well as Steve H. Used your pun(ch) line already

03/20/24 11:17 PM #2466    


David Frazer

Please, enough with the corny jokes! Let's tell Ronald Reagan Jokes. There is always a kernal of truth in his jokes, ask Walter Mondale who laughed so hard. Oops... no politics. I forgot.

03/21/24 04:33 PM #2467    

Robert Ayre

Hi Steve Hardy! Can we enlist your help in sending our classmates list(addresses) so we can distribute them to those helping with the invitations. Thank you!please send to Yvette. We are back to Minnesota winter this weekend! Take care!

03/21/24 08:46 PM #2468    


Steve Hardy


Yes, I have prepared the list as an Excel spreadsheet, and I just emailed it to you and Yvette.

03/23/24 12:28 PM #2469    


David Frazer

So, someone privately asked about the reference to Mondale and Ronald Reagan (I'm a history lover).      Mondale laughs and appreciates the joke.

Here is a groaner: Comic Sans, Helvetica, and Times New Roman walk into a bar. "Get out!" shouts the bartender. "We don't serve your type!"



03/23/24 04:27 PM #2470    

Robert Ayre

Dave we will give you a black/red ribbon for that one. Then you can capitalize on receiving your first letter in jokes!

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