It’s Time To Celebrate 50 Years
We are now counting down days, twelve to be exact until the NEHI classes of '72 and '73 are convening together on St. Pete Beach to remember the great days of high school, share the good days here and now, and re-charge with awesome friends. Though the registration is now closed, we will post pictures as soon as possible for those who are unable to be with us. You will be missed!!! We are looking forward to seeing all of you who have reserved your spot; may your travels be pleasant, and safe. Get ready for a GREAT WEEKEND!!!
WHEN: Friday, September 9 - Sunday, September 11, 2022
WHERE: Tradewinds Grand Resort, 5600 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach 33706
Friday night – 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Casual dress - Heavy hors d'oeuvres, Cash bar will be open (Tradewinds has gone cash-less, so credit card only, or charge to your room), lots of time to reminisce and catch up, meet new friends and enjoy the ‘old’ ones. Music, with some fun and friendly class interaction at the close of the evening
If you are NOT staying at the Tradewinds parking is $10 per car. Pay with credit card as you enter the gate; parking will be best at the north-end parking lot and closest to the HORIZONS room where our Meet and Greet will be hosted.
THE CYPRESS VILLA will be available throughout the weekend to come and mingle. Grab a map from the concierge upon your arrival or check out website
Saturday, 11:00 a.m. at the Cypress Villa – Cooking Expo, (included is a cocktail/mocktail, salad, main entree, and dessert, with Adam Walkover, Chef and Culinary Specialist with GFS. This is by reservation only. There are five spots left, for an enjoyable culinary treat, and lunch. Great experience for only $20.
Saturday, 1:00 p.m. – Painting with Carmen – Our own Carmen Sotolongo ‘Kelley’ who has taught and operated her own studio in the Keys is coming to do a painting class at the Cypress Villa. This class is full.
Saturday, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. – The dress is Resort Casual. 6:00 Reception/Registration, 7:00 Dinner, 7:45 Program, Raffle, Give-aways, Music and Dancing.
Of course the Tradewinds offers a host of extracurriculars at one of the most beautiful venues on St. Pete Beach. Enjoy the beach, the pools and the host of activities (how about that Mile High Slide?)
A lot has changed in good ‘ole St. Petersburg, we encourage you to enjoy an excursion, as time permits, to see the new Pier and museums. If you haven’t been back in a while you will be amazed at the Downtown transformation. A good finale on Sunday perhaps!
This is the BIG ONE; EACH ONE OF YOU WILL MAKE IT GREAT! If you have any more questions, or need more specifics please call Tracey Willis at (727) 822-4262 or Lisa Smith Rico (727) 612-0942 or contact us through website or Lisa Smith Rico at
50th Reunion Committee
Bob and Tracey Willis Campbell
Wayne and Lori Wells
Susie Kupfer
Mike Williams
Kevin and Cheryl Tyndall Walkover
Ken and Lisa Smith Rico
(Class of ’73 Committee)
Ted Granger
Renee Athey
Jane Toombs