60th Birthday Photos 2012

Thank you to Jan Ohligschlager McCullough and her husband Gene, Tom and Pyhllis Kovalik and Carol Vanko Spencer for supplying the following pictures. If you have pictures you would like to share, please let Mary Volkman know and arrangements will be made to get them loaded on this page. Thanks!

Pam Flavel Furlan, Barb Goerne Wierbicki and Gary Sabino hanging the Birthday Banner.

JoAnne Ellena Morton, Carol Vanko Spencer's husband, Ken Majernik, Carol Vanko Spencer sharing stories and memories.


Bob Noonan, Gloria Voytko Noonan and Jan Ohligschlager McCullough enjoying the afternoon.

Bob Danko, Sue Spraggon Danko, Jill Flavel Marconi, Dan Keesee and Sandy Murray Keesee having some birthday cake and munchies.


Bob Wampler, Jan O and Tom Kovalik share memories of high school.

Randy Roach and Mike Pouk sharing tales of their youth.

Mike James was overheard giving tips on growing a beard to Everett Solon.

Allen Sweden getting some legal advice from Mike Gulo.

Diane Black, Bob Wampler and Tom Kovalik discussing the pros and cons to attending reunions.

Greg W and Jan O smiling because they have been talking about the joys of retirement!

Gloria, Bob, Greg Wahl,  Greg Wahl, Mary Reeser Harrison and Bob Harrison. Everyone looks so serious.

Doug Schobert and Bob Wampler spent the afternoon catching up after 40+ years.

Jill Flavel Marconi seems to be having a hard time believing what Gary Sabino is saying. Imagine that!


Pat Sabino, Joe Marconi, Keri Wahl, Gary Sabino and Jill Flavel Marconi. (Full faces only.) I wonder who Jill is staring at?

Our Birthday Cake!!!!! Watch out for the black frosting.

Colleen Condon Matsko and Jan O had a great time talking about children and grandchildren.

   Greg Wahl Looking Good Roundball!

The Birthday Party in Full Swing!! It's great to see everyone interacting with each other.

Linda Jonen, Jan O, Francine P (sister of  classmate Mary Ann Podkanowicz Pique), Mary Ann and Mary Volkman. Mary Ann was a surprise guest at the Birthday Bash!!!!

Another pic of the group enjoying themselves at the party. Seems like a lot of catching up with old friends goin' on.

Mike Janes and Gary Sabino. Wonder what those two are plotting?

Greg Wahl, Mike Pouk, Jim Wahl, Everett Solon and Joe Marconi seem to be enjoying a joke, or at least Mike thinks it is funny.


Joe Marconi, Steve Matsko with wife Colleen Condon Matsko were welcoming guests when they arrived at the party.


Jean Wakeman, Gloria Voytko Noonan, Jane Wakeman Goetsch and Bob Noonan enjoying the food and cake.

Bob Harrison and Mary Reeser Harrison with Bob Noonan, Gloria Voytko Noonan and Jan Ohligschlagler McCullough. Great to see Mary and Bob at a Class of 1970 gathering!

Mary Ann Podkanowicz Pique, Barb Goerne Wierbicki, Pam Flavel Fulan and Kathy Savage Marx. Great Smiles Girls!

Sandy Kees


Bill Spencer, Ken Majernik, Carol Vanko Spencer, Lee Wilkinson Majernik, Sandy Pshak Wampler, and Jean Rashid. Old friends and new memories.

Barb  and Pam look over some copies of The Review the weekly newspaper Streator High published when we were in school. Copies were provided by Phyllis Spivey Kovalik.


Barb Goerne Wierbicki, Phyllis Spivey Kovalik and Pam Flavel Furlan joining the fun during the parking lot antics.

Randy Roach, Gary Sabino, Everett Solon, Jim Wahl and Mike Pouk. " The Boys are Back in Town."

Jim Wahl, Linda Jonen, Colleen and husband Steve Matsko, Gene McCullough (Jan O.'s husband, Diane Black, Mike Pouk and Gary Sabino. Guess Jim didn't want any MOONSHINE!!!

Jim Wahl, Mike Pouk, Linda Jonen, Mary Reeser Harrison, Bob Harrison, Mary Volkman, Colleen Condon Matsko and Diane Black. You can tell we moved the party outside!

The MOONSHINE GIRLS - Linda Jonen, Mary Volkman, Jan Ohligschlager McCullough, Colleen Condon Matsko and Diane Black.


What a wonderful way to end the 60th Birthday Bash! More pictures of the outdoor Moonshine party.



Cruise Night Picture

Classmates JoAnne Ellena Morton, Lee Wilkinson Majernik and Carol Vanko Spencer enjoying Cruise Night following the 60th Birthday Bash on Sept.1st, 2012. These 3 have been friends since they attended St.Stephen's grade school together!