Classmate Profiles

Select Year of Graduation. Guest Members are listed below.

Year Unknown 1968 1970
1967 1969 1971

     User has created a profile: 19
     Profile contains photos: 6
     Military Service: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Guest Members

Lucy (Cravotta)
Pat (Doyle)
Donna Bell (Wood)
Jane Brunner (Ditmore)
Marilyn Brunner (Klein)
Sherry Carson (Erlandson)
Judy Catanzano (Nestico)   
Susie Doyle (Weiland) (1969)   
Carol Ann Echko (Garcia)  
Jeff Erlandson   
Bobbe Farren (Farren)   
Coleen Fox (Humberson)    
Ross Grana
John Hurlbert    
Marilynn Jessell (Cooley)   
Bob Jones   
Maureen Keane (1967)   
Katherine Kokladas (Mollica)
Kathy Kokladas
JoAnn Krista
Beverly Leopold    
Linda Leopold
Sandra Leopold (Hunt)
John Mulroy
Ed Nestico
Anna Nichols
Bobbie Parker (Caraher)
Rita Parker   
Diane Perry
Paulette Quinten (1969)  
Sam Rocco (1971)
Kathy Rossey (Rossi)   
Ron Scala    
Rita Simonetta    
Al Smith
Cyndi Stuller (McDonough)   
Tom Thompson
Dave Villiotti    
Joe Wheeler (1968)
Anthony Zecca
Anthony Zecca   
