50th Reunion Recap/Info

Last updated 9/23/22

Crossland Class of 1972 50th Reunion

A Golden Opportunity to Reconnect

September 8-11, 2022


The following is a recap of our 540th Reunion Weekend.  After the recap, is the original info about the schedule and logistics for the weekend.  We hope you enjoyed attending or at least joining us vicariously through the recap and photos.


50th Reunion Recap


Well, our 50th Reunion weekend is in the history books.  By all accounts, it was a very successful, fun, meaningful event.  The weather was perfect, the venues were great, and the memories and warm feelings were flowing.  


We want to thank everyone who participated and helped out.  We had people fly in from California, Arizona, Minnesota, Colorado, Texas, Florida and quite a few other distant states.  It is incredible how we can just pick up conversation with friends from 50+ years ago as if it was yesterday.


Here is a recap for those who could not attend.  There are plenty of photos on our website too!!!


Thursday Happy Hour/Mixer 


We met at the Ports of Call Restaurant/Bar at the nearby DoubleTree Hotel. This was a casual, show up if you want to, event.  We had about 35 people, including Lee Owens and Paul Ogle who we would not see again for the weekend, along with Mike Merritts from CHS ’71.  The Committee provided an assortment of appetizers and everyone was on their own for drinks and dinner.   Conversation flowed…it was the perfect way to start the weekend.  Many thanks to Randy Gann for making all the arrangements for this venue.  True to our now almost 70-year old form, the event wound down around 9pm.


Friday Dinner/Dance at the American Legion Hall.  


We arrived about 6pm for happy hour and getting reacquainted.  The committee was able to provide an open bar all night long…Legion drinks are cheap and we all don’t drink quite as much as we used to!!!  A charcuterie board was put out for appetizers as our guests arrived. 


They came into a hall beautifully decorated with red and gold and lovely lighted centerpieces.  There was a special corner with memorabilia and our all too long “In Memory” display.  At each table setting and in the center were beautifully painted rocks donated by Evonne Thomas…not a one was left behind!!!  We had a photo backdrop for pictures along with photo frames and goofy props.  To include those who couldn’t attend, we setup an ipad with Zoom and sent out a link for anyone to join in.  We had 5 or 6 zoom participants and at least 70 classmates and guests there in person.


Ron Thomasson provided the live music with the band Mobtown Groove from Baltimore.  They were superb and played an appropriate play list for us children of the 70s.  Later on,  Ron joined the band on bass guitar and our own John Guinn sang 2 classic rock tunes… “Mustang Sally” and “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay”.  We will provide YouTube links to these performances on our Photos page.  Thank you, Ron, for your overwhelming generosity…originally, his own band “Centerfold” was to perform, but, several members got Covid and another had a family emergency so he arranged for the local band.  People danced and boogied to the timeless music.


We had a delicious buffet dinner of smothered chicken, beef brisket, green beans, rice, scalloped potatoes, garden salad, and rolls.  No one left hungry!!!  To top it off, we had a CHS 72 50th specialty cake for dessert.  Our class sponsor, Larry Swindell, offered a heartfelt blessing prior to the meal.


After dinner, Phil Homan and Donna Kenney, committee co-chairpersons, conducted a brief program to welcome everyone, acknowledge all who contributed, recognize the special contributions of Ron Thomasson, Evonne Thomas, and Jenny Otto…whose extremely generous donation set the stage for us being motivated and able to put on these events for FREE to our classmates.  There followed drawings for various door prizes and then, drumroll, the opening of the Reunion time capsule that was created back for the 20th reunion. Randy Weightman had been the keeper of the capsule the last few years and revealed its contents..Bottle of Wine, One Cigarette, One box of Cigars, One Yellow/Gold Tee Shirt, Thank You Notes, 20 Year Memory Book we made, Pix from Cindi (Rogers) and Frank Romanelli, Sunglasses, Yellow/Gold Pom Poms, "Keep in touch with Crossland" Magnet, and One useless 5.25" Floppy Disk.

The dinner/dance continued strong until 11pm …we broke our 9pm curfew!!!


Many thanks to Patti Walter for decorations, Donna McConchie for the in Memory wall, retired Navy Chief Nancy O’Bryhim for securing the venue, arranging the hotel block, "enlisting" her son to print the tshirts and CHS 50th cozies, and lots of help with all the setup, Ron Thomasson for the band, Laura Burroughs who, as Patti’s roommate for the weekend, got recruited to do a lot of helping, setting up, cleaning up, etc.  It truly was a team effort.  Finally, thanks to Nancy O'Bryhim, Patti Walter, Roy Basa, Randy Gann, Nancy Watson, Jill Short, and Jenny Otto for sharing their photos for all to see.


Saturday Picnic


On Saturday, we gathered once again at YMCA Camp Letts on the Rhode River in Edgewater MD.  Guests arrived at 1pm and we had an hour of casual conversation and ice cold beverages and snacks.  We had use of a somewhat air conditioned boathouse building along with an expansive deck and outdoor picnic area.


Phil Homan was our DJ…playing a perfect list of our greatest hits.  Patti and the team setup the room in red and gold using Donna Kenney’s collection of old 45’s to adorn the tables.


At 2pm our caterers arrived…Mission BBQ with pulled pork, sausage, and pulled chicken along with all the fixins and side dishes;  Also, Chesapeake Seafood arrived with 1 ½ bushels of steamed hard shell crabs. Crabs were a treat for the locals as well as those who flew in from far away… a true taste of our Maryland heritage.


The weather was perfect…warm, but not too hot, and the setting was beautiful.  It was a nice, casual, relaxing day to be outside and connect with our lifelong friends.  There were quite a few folks who came Saturday only, so, there were some fresh faces.  Our honored guests were class sponsor Larry Swindell and vice principal Dr Edward Vest.  Dr Vest has an incredible recollection of events and teachers from our days and was so engaging as many different classmates came and visited with him.


We had a short program to recognize our special guests and to give Jenny Otto an orchid plant as a sign of our gratitude for her generosity.


Also, we have to recognize Ray and Jill Short.  They were visiting the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home several months ago and were chatting with a resident who turned out to be our classmate Frank White.  Frank really wanted to come to the reunion but has medical and mobility issues that make getting around a challenge.  Ray and Jill drove from Annapolis back down to Charlotte Hall to get Frank Saturday morning to bring him to the picnic and again to Sunday Brunch.  Frank seemed to genuinely enjoy getting out and being around his old classmates.  Ray and Jill…you are special people with huge hearts.


The picnic continued on until 7pm as this splendid day wound down.


Sunday Brunch at Double T Diner


About 20 people were there for one last getaway event and a delicious breakfast in a private dining room.  We even got a 10% senior discount!!!  Many thanks to Randy Gann for arranging this venue.


As we scraped the last of our breakfast off the plates, it was time to say goodbye and close out this memorable, magical weekend with promises to stay in touch!!!  Let’s keep that promise.


What’s next….


This was our last big event.  That doesn’t mean there won’t be smaller alumni meet and greets and travel agent Patti Walter is always ready to put together a cruise.  Who knows, we may get a second wind and do a 70th birthday celebration in 2 years.  We do plan to keep our website going…so keep your profiles and photos up to date.  We might even try an open zoom call again in a month or so to see if there is any interest in doing that a few times a year.


Until then, stay safe, healthy, and happy!!!


Your CHS 72 Reunion Committee


Phil Homan, Donna McConchie Kenney, Nancy O’Bryhim, Patti Walter, Nancy Watson, Randy Weightman, Randy Gann.





It's that time again....another 5 years has almost gone by and it's time to gather once again with our high school friends and reminisce, brag, compare aches and pains, discuss retirement, and just have a good time. This is a momentus occasion...50 years since we said goodbye to the Halls of Crossland and moved on with our adult lives.  This will no doubt be our last big reunion event, so, please make every effort to attend and spread the word to fellow alumni that you still talk to.

We are basing our operations in the Annapolis MD area.  We will start with a happy hour/mixer on Thursday evening at the Ports of Call Bar/Restaurant, then have our main dinner/dance on Friday at the Annapolis American Legion Hall, followed by a big outdoor catered picnic at Camp Letts on Saturday, then wrapping things up with a Sunday Brunch at the Double T Diner.  This should accommodate those who want a traditional indoor event and those who prefer being outdoors...and, those who want it all!!!   It's not too early to start making your travel plans!!!


To see actual list of attendees, click here---> ATTENDEES


Thursday evening 9/8. Happy Hour/Mixer at Ports of Call Restaurant/Bar located in the DoubleTree Hotel at 210 Holiday Ct in Annapolis.  This is just across the street from the Best Western Hotel where we have our block of rooms...an easy crawl back!!!  Event begins at 5:30pm and goes to ???.   This will be a non-ticketed, pay as you go, event. Click ---> for Ports of Call Website

Friday evening 9/9- dinner/dance at the American Legion, post #7 at 1905 Crownsville Rd in Annapolis MD.  Hours will be 6-11, with a happy hour from 6-7.  There will be a cash bar with beer, wine, and mixed drinks.  We will have a buffet dinner with beef brisket and smothered chicken entrees, charcuterie board, salad, rice pilaf, green vegetable, and custom cake for dessert.  Our classmate, Ron Thomasson, has offered and donated the services of his band,  "Centerfold", to provide music to dine and dance by.  Your reunion committee is working on a fun and entertaining program and themed decorations.  Dress is Business Casual.   American Legion website.  

This will be a ticketed event... you must pre-register. BUT, the great news is that through careful funds management and generous donations, we will be able to offer FREE admission to approximately 70 Class of '72 Alumni.  Guests and other classmates will pay $30 to attend.

*** Deadline to Register was August 26th, 2022 - Registration is now closed***

Saturday, 9/10, 1pm-7pm -  afternoon/early evening indoor/outdoor barbecue/picnic at Camp Letts in Edgewater, MD.  The address is 4003 Camp Letts Rd, Edgewater, MD 21037.  This is where we had our 45th Reunion and was well-received by all who attended.  It's about 8 miles or 20 minute drive from Annapolis and is located on the Rhode River that leads into the Chesapeake Bay.  We have the indoor air conditioned Boathouse facility and an outside, tree-covered picnic area.  We plan to have a BBQ meal with all the fixins catered by Mission BBQ.  We will have music and games, beverages (alcohol and non), cake, etc.  Some beverages (beer, soda, wine, water) will be provided, but, you can also bring your own drinks into the camp.  No pets and not really suitable for children.

This will be a ticketed event... you must pre-register. BUT, the great news is that through careful funds management and generous donations, we will be able to offer FREE admission to approximately 70 Class of '72 Alumni.  Guests and other classmates will pay $25 to attend.

*** Deadline to Register is Thursday, September 1st, 2022 ***

Camp Letts website:  www.campletts.org

Sunday morning 9/11 - Brunch at the Double T Diner at 12 Defense St in Annapolis (close to intersection of 50 and 450 for those escaping town!!!).  We will meet there starting at 9am, but we expect people will straggle in until 10:30 or so, giving folks time to check out of their hotel.  Things will probably wrap up by noon so you can make the trek home with warm thoughts of a memorable weekend still dancing in your head. This will be a non-ticketed, pay as you go, event.  Click here ---> for Double T website 

Lodging - We have reserved a block of rooms at the Best Western Annapolis Hotel, 2520 Riva Rd.  410-224-2800.  Group Name:  Crossland HS50th Reunion.  King bed or 2 Queen Beds is $149+tax or $168/night;  Make your reservation by calling the number or using this direct link. You can cancel up until a few days before the event, but, your reservation must be made at least 45 days prior to the event (July 26, 2022).

We may provide other suggestions for lodging, but, do be aware there is Navy football that weekend and rooms are scarce and somewhat pricey.

Flying In?  BWI is the closest airport but you can also come in thru DCA.  You are on your own for ground transportation. There may be some extra rides with other classmates available to the Friday dance and Saturday picnic event if you would rather not rent a car.  Otherwise, you may need a car to get around, especially for Saturday.

What's next?  It's time to save the date on your calendar,  make your travel plans, and start that summer diet to get down to 'reunion weight'!!!  Please help us get the word out to our fellow classmates and let's have a good turnout for this event.  Make sure everyone you are in contact with is aware of the event and please encourage them to participate.  Some people just need a little nudge. As you can see from this latest update, we are NOW taking reservations.  The 'free' classmate tickets are first come, first served, so register early.

Who's Invited?  Obviously, all CHS 72 alumni and their spouses/significant others are invited.  We are also opening up our event to alumni from other "close by" CHS Classes - those from 67-75.  The more the merrier.  However, this is an adult event and probably would not be suitable for young children/grandchildren.  Please note...the Friday and Saturday events are ticketed events and must be prepaid and pre-registered.  Only those who have paid or snagged one of the pre-paid classmate slots will be admitted.  There are a number of costs beyond just the meal that have to be covered by the event fee.

Donations.  Some have asked how they can help.  We will be spending down our funds leftover from prior reunions in order to keep the ticket prices as low as possible.  Donations are always welcome too!!!  Donations will help to pay costs and keep this an affordable event.  At this writing, we've had a couple of sizable donations and are able to offer this as a no cost event for a large number of '72 Classmates (not their guests or other classes)!!  Donors will be recognized on the website.  Donations can be done by check payable to "Crossland Class of 72 Reunion" in care of Nancy Watson, 1814 Poppy Cir, The Villages, FL 32162 or done by credit card during the registration process.

I'd like to volunteer.  We have our core Reunion committee working the logistics and details.  We can always use more help, especially since many of us are no longer in the DC area.  If you would like to help with any of the events, decorations, entertainment program, getting supplies to the events, or locating classmates, please let us know at crossland72@yahoo.com 

Questions?  If you have any further questions or we left anything out, please let us know via email to crossland72@yahoo.com and we will get an answer to you/everyone.  This event is for you, let's make it as much fun as possible!!!


Your Crossland Class of 1972 Reunion Committee

Phil Homan, Patti Walter, Nancy Watson, Randy Weightman, Nancy O'Bryhim, Donna Kenney, Randy Gann
