In Memory

Sandra Kay Caudle (Booth)

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08/02/08 04:10 PM #1    

Marian Armstrong (Millo)

Sandra was a nice person who had a very unique voice. I can still see her walking down the hallways at school, laughing and chatting with her friends in between classes.

01/03/10 04:56 PM #2    

Guadalupe Ayala (Jecker)

I remember Sandra and her older sisters. we all lived in the South side of town (south of Texas Ave) and so did most of the so called "Rough Kids" with their cigs stuffed in their sleeves. I remember when her sister,Barbara, beat one of those boys so bad @ Blocker Jr high. LOL. Sandra just stayed way back. we rode the same bus to school or we all walked home togather. I got to know her nephew who also died a few years ago of the same thing. Heart problems run real bad in her family. I sure do miss those girls. Most of them have died and are gone.

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