Sandra Ann May
Sandra Ann's Latest Interactions
Hi Shirley I have always remembered you and how I'd said all the time to my mom Hey I'm going over to Shirley's house, hope life has been sweet to you Sandra Happy Bday soon
Hi Shirley, oh how long ago I would tell my mom "I'm going over the Shirley
house. So I'm sending you love and good thoughts on your up coming Bday, how you and your family are safe and warm. Sandra
well, know wonder you were/are so fabulous We're both Aquarius, Have a great day, your old friend Sandra
Hi dear friend of long ago. I bet we'd walk right by each other and not know who the other is. BUT i remember all the fun we were as kids. I felt fortunate to have you as a best friend. Much love and a Huge Happy Birthday ti You. Luv Sandra May
Happy Birthday to YOU, it was long ago but there good memories !!!!! Enjoy Sandra May out here in San Francisco
Hi there Sharon...Hope life is being good to you....long ago me...Sandra May