Lake County Schools Alumni Association
Lake County, Tennessee
Alumni Awards
Description of Awards
Nominations for Alumni Association Awards may be submitted by any member of the Lake County Schools Community (faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends).
Community Service Award
This award is presented to alumni of Lake County Schools who have distinguished themselves in service to the community and who have exemplified the School's ideals by having performed significant service beyond the call of business or professional duty.
2008 ~ Not Given
2009 ~ Kay Armstrong Forrest (LCHS 1975)
2010 ~ Abigail Rice Hyde (RHS 1935)
2014 ~ Emily Peacock Lewis (THS 1946)
The Jerry Reese Lifetime Achievement Award
Recipient must be an alumnus/a of Lake County Schools. Achievement is considered to mean: Continuous self-development in the type of citizenship that Lake County Schools seeks in students as evidenced by an outstanding contribution to society and community, as well as notable accomplishments during his/her career. Characteristics embodied in this award include service with dignity and humility in community service while exemplifying determination, strength or character and dedication.
2008 ~ Jerry Reese (LCHS 1981)
2009 ~ Joe Glenard Riley (LCHS 1965)
2010 ~ Joe Unger (LCHS 1967)
2014 ~ Dr. Barbara Unger Prescott (LCHS 1968)
The Virginia Hayes Outstanding Faculty Award
This award is presented to an outstanding Lake County Schools faculty member. The recipient should exemplify the attributes that Lake County Schools attempts to instill in its students while demonstrating by their actions a deep and sincere commitment to the advancement of a quality education.
2008 ~ Virginia Hayes
2009 ~ Catherine and James N. LeDuke (THS 1933)
2010 ~ Marilyn Pearson
2014 ~ Jeannie Buchanan and Kathy Johnson
The Cora Hughes Outstanding Staff Member Award
The recipient of this award is an individual who personifies the ideals of service to Lake County Schools students and the community, by willingness to go the extra mile while demonstrating a positive attitude. This individual exemplifies the ideals of service above self that Lake County Schools attempts to instill in its students.
2008 ~ Cora Hughes
2009 ~ Marie Pitts Runion (THS 1951)
2010 ~ Cliff Sturdivant
2014 ~ Dianne Riley Homra (LCHS 1967)
Alumnus of the Year Award
The key characteristic recognized by this award is the past and potential contribution that this alumnus has demonstrated by his or her service to the School and community by demonstrating how the Lake County Schools educational experience enriched and benefited his or her life. Outstanding accomplishment in one's profession or career may also be recognized by this award.
2008 ~ Not Given
2009 ~ Taylor Richardson (THS 1957)
2009 ~ Laurel Jones Childs (LCHS 1976)
2010 ~ Marla Watson Cilley (LCHS 1974)
2014 ~ Ed Sumara (LCHS 1972)