LCSAA Timeline


 Accomplishments of the LCSAA

01-2008 - First website created by Randy Turnage - LCHS 1983
05-2008 - Alumni pages created on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter
10-2008 - THS, LCHS, RHS and Lincoln School multi sites created by Randy Turnage.
                  Over 90 years of senior photos have been attached to profiles.
                  Approximately 80% of Alumni have been located and contacted.
                  To date over 1,500 postcard have been mailed to alumni announcing association.
11-2008 - First Alumni Awards are presented to Virginia Hayes, Cora Hughes and Jerry Reese.
12-2008 - "Southern Comfort" Alumni Cookbook published and sold.  250 copies sold to date
07-2008 - Association raises funds to replace 10 missing or damaged LCHS Composites.
09-2009 - First "All School Reunion" is held at LCHS with over 850 in attendance
                  Alumni Awards are presented to outstanding faculty/staff and alumni.
09-2009 - Alumni donates money for the start of the Randy Turnage Scholarship Fund
10-2009 - Official Logo of LCSAA is registered and copyrighted
11- 2009 - Association joins forces with "One Cause" and "Capital One Affinity Cards" to
                   raise money for our programs. 
12-2009 -  Alumni and friends start the Laurel Jones Childs Memorial Scholarship Fund to honor
                    Laurel (LCHS 1976) who lost her battle with cancer.
01-2010 - "In Memory" program started.  Sympathy cards are sent from LCSAA
                    to members of our alumni family who experience a loss of a family member.
02-2010 -  501 (3) (c) Non Profit Charity Status is granted to Association by IRS
03-2010 -  Association raises money and completes restoration of 12 THS Composites
05-2010 -  Association purchases 3 domain mirror sites to protect identity
05-2010 -  Association give out $1,750 in scholarships to LCHS Seniors
                  >Randy Turnage Alumni Scholarship - $750.00
                  >Laurel Jones Childs Memorial Scholarship - $500.00
                  >LCSAA Scholarship - $500.00
06-2010 - The Phoebe Jamison McCain Memorial Scholarship established
10-2010 - 2nd Annual All School Reunion held at LCHS with 650 in attendance.
                  Alumni Awards are presented to outstanding faculty/staff and alumni.
10-2010 - LCSAA joins My Coke Rewards Progam to each points for equipment for schools.
10-2010 - 8 LCHS composites were presented to LCHS at All School Reunion.
04-2011 -  Lake County History and Genelogy Website Launched
04-2011 -  Approximately 6,500 cemetery records added to Genealogy Site
04-2011 -   LCSAA Foundation becomes "Reelfoot Foundation".  The old name represented the
                     Lake County Schools Alumni Association but the foundation's focus is not only to the
                     people who attended schools in Lake County but to the entire community in the
                     Reelfoot Lake Area.  This month we have launced the "Lake County Genealogy &
                     History Website"  which includes a database of most cemetery records in Lake County.
                     In the future months, the site will add a complete Obituary Database and history
                     records about Lake County and its citizens.  Future goals of the Foundation is to build
                     a multi-use Community Center that will hold office space of various community and
                     a large space to hold community meeting, events, etc. 
05-2011 -  Association gave out $2,000 in scholarships to LCHS Seniors
                   >Randy Turnage Alumni Scholarship - $750.00
                   >Laurel Jones Childs Memorial Scholarship - $500.00
                   >LCSAA Scholarship - $750.00
05-2012 - Association gave out $1000.00 in scholarships to LCHS Seniors
                   >Laurel Jones Childs Memorial Scholarship - $500.00
                   >LCSAA Scholarship - $500.00
12-2012 - "Delaney Schenk Memorial Scholarship" established by the association and the Schenk Family.  Each                   year a deserving LCHS Senior will be awarded this $1000.00 scholarship.

 01-2013 - Second Alumni Cookbook began production

05-2013 -  Association gave out $2,500 in scholarships to LCHS Seniors
                   >Randy Turnage Alumni Scholarship - $500.00
                   >Laurel Jones Childs Memorial Scholarship - $500.00
                   >LCSAA Scholarship - $500.00
                   >Delaney Schenk Memorial Scholarship - $1000.00
05-2014 -  Association gave out $2,250  in scholarships to LCHS Seniors
                   >Laurel Jones Childs Memorial Scholarship - $250.00
                   >LCSAA Scholarship - $500.00
                   >Delaney Schenk Memorial Scholarship - $1500.00


