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12/06/14 11:14 AM #26    


L Russ Wilcox

Mike B & Mike P:

Thanks for the kind words. 

Believe it or not, you still need something to occupy your time here in between the beach and just enjoying the nice weather & view.  I've never had any formal training for writing.  I hope that future pieces will show improvement in technique & style. 

Next time,  I would like to try something written in other that first person (sounds a bit narcisistic when I read it back to myself).  That will certainly be a bigger challenge, once I find some good subject matter.

12/06/14 07:41 PM #27    

W. Kent Laughman

NICE job Russ. You kept my interest up.  Thanks for sharing some of your life's working experiances with us it's much apreciated.   Your friend, Kent Laughman 


PS: Like so many of your other friends I'm going to save this but one thiing troubles me.....How do I get your autograph so I'll have one of the signend originals after your syndicated?

12/07/14 04:49 AM #28    


L Russ Wilcox

Kent:  I have no illusions about that happening-just trying to stay creative and fill some time..  Thanks for positive comment-they are always nice to hear.

12/15/14 05:41 AM #29    


L Russ Wilcox

Many thanks to Robin Kime Lee for sharing this wonderful Vietnam Wall website:





03/01/15 10:43 AM #30    


L Russ Wilcox

Reposted due to recent changes to how our website plays videos:



04/25/16 10:30 PM #31    

Ansel Stauffer

We were in PalmSprings that week ,but recorded the segment. Enjoyed seeing your place and were so glad that your Wife was able to live he Dream of living on a tropical Island.. So very sorry to her about her passing.Do take care of yourself , it looks like you have a good support system .       

Ansel & Bonnie 



04/26/16 07:40 AM #32    


L Russ Wilcox

Thanks Ansel.  Life is good here.

08/24/16 07:34 PM #33    


Phillip X. Madrid

It's fast approaching one year since we moved back to Texas. The wife and I are getting about that age where we thought it was about time the kids took care of us. We really loved being back in Topeka, about 10 or 12 years, I kept a vegetable garden and the wife did her flowers, beaufiful flowers. Every year it got a little rougher on us but it was too much fun. I sure didn't miss shoveling snow last winter, I don't think I will ever miss that. The wife lost here oldest brother and watching him suffer kind of settled it, "we better get back while we can" mood kicked in. We had all the help we needed from our childern and made a coulpe of caravan trips after we had a contract on the property. After about a month of looking we found a townhome in a mostly senior resident area. Close enough to the Gulf we can enjoy that and close enough to the grandchildern we can enjoy them too. We were able to witness our first great grand child enter this world, it just don't get no better.  Adios, until next time!!

08/25/16 09:40 AM #34    


Mike Powell


it takes some gumption to make changes that need to be made. Glad it worked out so well for both of you and congratulations on that new baby.


08/25/16 10:41 AM #35    

Karen Newell (Bosch)

Good for you!  It makes moving a lot easier when your children are near by!  Wonderful weather makes the area a good place to spend your senior years.  Congrats on your great grand baby!  Does't seem possible does it?  LOL!

11/17/17 05:37 AM #36    


Warren Hummer

Has anyone heard from Russ Wilcox since the hurricanes hit the Virgin Islands?

11/18/17 08:45 AM #37    

Cora Lewman (Harkins)

At our recent lunch for "AZ alums!, I heard he was in Oklahoma. Hope all is well with you in Texas!


11/18/17 09:25 AM #38    


Mike Powell

Russ Reynolds, Richard Dreier, Randy Currie, Bob Sutton and I met Russ at a downtown bar a few weeks ago. Russ filled us in on the storm, the damage to his home and how he managed to get off the island. He plans to return and repair the home after things calm down (as you would expect the demand for labor and repair materials is very high for the time being.) I'd hope Russ will show up soon on the site and fill everyone in with actual details. It's quite a story..

11/19/17 07:38 AM #39    


Warren Hummer

Thanks, Cora & Mike,  for your replies. I tried to post a message to Russ when the storms hit but wasn't certain the message got through. Glad he is safe and I agree that the class would be interested in his story. All is well in Texas (or as well as it can be with more than our share of crazies- elected and otherwise!). Best wishes to you both.

11/19/17 10:08 AM #40    


Phillip X. Madrid

Where abouts are you in Texas, Warren?

11/19/17 12:13 PM #41    


L Russ Wilcox

Thanks to everyone showing concern about me after Hurricanes Irma & Marie. Two Cat 5 Hurricanes in as many weeks made history, but I came out of it ok (considering). Most damage can be repaired once electricity is available on the island and materiels become available again (Home Depot blew away).  I plan to go back around the first of the year-at least for a few weeks to start the process of getting the house in order.

Before/after pics below:




11/21/17 06:27 AM #42    

Ann DeRose (Dalton)

Glad everyone made it ok. Hope you all continue to do well. Beat wishes.Ann (DeRose)Dalton.

01/10/18 02:35 PM #43    


Mike Powell

Just tried to watch Episode 1 of A&E's Undercover at HPHS (7 young adults pose as students for a semester).

Here's what I learned: everybody has a phone, everybody spends a lot of time on their phones, kids do a lot of dumb things on their phones. All this is set against a background of hallway and classroom scenes that capture just how boring 85 percent of the time spent in an educational setting can be. I fell asleep in the middle of 2nd Period.

01/11/18 10:38 AM #44    

Russell Reynolds

01/12/18 05:10 PM #45    

Russell Reynolds

Warren, that’s an interesting point. You might send an inquiry to Glenn.

05/06/18 07:53 PM #46    


Phillip X. Madrid

I sent somebody information for Bert Corwin and Tom Domme. Have they been added to the mailing list?

06/21/18 04:23 PM #47    

Richard Basham

What is the status on the golf outing? Turnout at the planned events?


Change of Topic: The weather for the 55th reunion looks promising enough for a small group bicycle ride. I intend to arrive early Friday with my 'cheap big-box retail' bicycle and perhaps ride some at the lake or even around Washburn or whatever. Nothing challenging. Let me know. 

Been riding flood plains, with a few overpasses & long, gradual inclines, plenty wind-swept though. NTYC, I finally installed a hitch-style rack on my sub-compact so I could ride some popular trails with others without riding to get there or ruining the car interior. Turns out the bike is longer than the car body is wide and and I haven't determined how much my MPG is reduced due to the disrupted air-flow/drag.  An hour's drive to Topeka should provide at least some hints at how foolish I have been this time.  BTW, I can crash starting up and stopping about anywhere. <g>

06/22/18 02:37 PM #48    

Robert Walker

Golf at western hills..21st and Auburn rd.9.04 tee time.first group should arrive early for pairing.

06/25/18 12:36 PM #49    


Judy Hunt (Mitchell Petero)

The 55th reunion was so much fun, and I only wish my staying-up power had matched my desire to keep partying! Thanks to Janice Lower and all the hardworking classmates who made this weekend possible. I'm sure there were many more helpers than just the ten committee members. Loved The Garden House, the sandwiches, veggies, and all the salads -- oh yes, and the desserts!!! The dinner at At The Capitol Plaza Hotel was superb, as it was for the 50th. Hope we can repeat for the 60th. My main concern was that my new husband would be sitting alone, holding my Poodle, not havng anyone to talk with. John, Merckling (Carolyn's husband) and Mike Berrry talked cars with him all evening! As a result, we are making camping plans with John and Carolyn, and have also planned to visit Mike and his '49 Ford coupe, "Emma Jean." Yes, attendance was lower, but we had more opportunity to visit with everybody.

11/07/19 09:54 AM #50    


L Russ Wilcox

Just moving to Northport Fla-put an offer on a house yesterday & will buy a car before week is up. St Thomas was beautiful & fine while it lasted, but very backward, expensive, & hard to get around. Back to civilization for me!

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