Cathy Rigney Augustine

Profile Updated: February 27, 2010
Residing in Chesterton, IN USA
Occupation: Insurance
Children (birthdate if known): Laura 9-11-84
April 4-17-86
Matt 6-11-88
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What is your marital status?


How many times have you been married since graduating THS?


How many times have you moved since graduating THS?


What other cities have you lived in since graduating THS?

Burnham, Il, Bradley, Il, Chesterton, IN

What are your favorite memories from THS?

I really enjoyed my business classes, seeing my friends in the halls. Our prom was really nice at the Greenfield Village and then going to the Top Hat in Canada afterwards. I remember decorating our cars and driving thru Elizabeth Park and beeping our horns.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:55 AM