Missing Classmates

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Select Year Arrival USS Fort Snelling. Guest Members are listed below.
Ronald Adams (1979)
Charles Adelmann (1957)
Lawrence H. Aitken (1974)
Richard Allison (1974)
David Ambrose (1962)
Rick Archer (1966)
Harry Arny (1966)
Edward Augsburger (1956)
Bill Bailey (1954)
Mike Barker (1970)
Harley Barks (1962)
Anthony Barnes (1954)
Michael Battishill (1966)
Stance Bergelin (1958)
Keith Berry (1958)
Russell A. Black (1973)
William Blue (1962)
John Bofo (1962)
Larry Bofo (1962)
Reuben Brenner (1981)
Gmg2 John Bridge (1969)
Henry Brostmeyer (1954)
J. T. Brown (1954)
Qm-3 John W. Buch (1969)
Wayne Buckingham (1969)
Klemens Burdzel (1969)
Tim Burnell (1961)
Michael A. Call (1958)
Thomas B Callahan (1955)
Steve Callaro (1970)
Leon Cannon (1963)
James Carron (1958)
Em-2 Michael Chandler (1974)
James Chism (1955)
Ray Cintron (1971)
Fred Clark (1964)
Jack Clayton (1965)
Gary W. Cobb (1971)
Richard Conney (1968)
John A Conrad (1971)
Scott Cook (1976)
Lester Coons (1954)
Jeffrey Corbett (1974)
Raymond C. Cranna (1960)
Lee Crocker (1972)
Joe Culligum (1965)
Bernard Cunningham (1963)
Henry Dean (1971)
Frank Degel (1971)
Richard Delga (1983)
John Demski (1961)
William T Dent (1958)
Bill Dixon (1954)
Nathaniel Dixon (1978)
James Dodson (1978)
Jim Dubose (1954)
David Dunn (1954)
Robert Dunn (1954)
Jack Ednie (1966)
Larry Ellis (1978)
Charles E Ellison (1955)
Robert Engles (1955)
Leonard Farber (1955)
George Farlow (1955)
Michael Farrell, M M-3 (1965)
Thomas J. Ferens (1958)
Frank Fiorino (1970)
Daniel Fletcher (1959)
Paul Ford (1970)
Dale Foreman (1973)
Charles Furlow (1973)
Santiago Galaviz Jr (1974)
Timothy Galusha (1974)
Rodolfo Gaytan (1980)
Kenneth Geyer (1954)
James Glassford (1967)
Fred Greenley (1955)
Carroll Haddix (1955)
William Hager (1981)
Freddie L. Hannah (1966)
Monte Hansen (1975)
Richard Hansen (1976)
Sidney Harris (1954)
Frederick H. Hatcher (1955)
Yn2(sw) Ron Helms (1983)
Paul Henson (1960)
Ernie Hernandez (1980)
James Hestead (1967)
James Higgins (1966)
Barry Hilton (1979)
Gary Hooker (1961)
Harry E Hoover (1954)
David Humphrey (1973)
William Irving (1979)
Stephenson James. (1974)
Jack Jolly (1982)
John Jones (1982)
Samuel Joyner (1982)
Jr. Leo Kane (1959)
Jr. James A Kaufold (1954)
Charles W. Keim (1954)
James Kemler (1958)
John Kincey (1976)
Harold King (1955)
Julian King (1955)
Donald Kipp (1962)
James E. Knowles III Mm-2 (1954)
Larry Kohtz (1967)
Rob Lamb (1967)
Frank J Lantz (1967)
Richard A Larson (1954)
John P. Lawler (1956)
Gene Ledoux (1982)
Norman Lee (1982)
Paul Lee (1954)
Charles Leemon III (1971)
Mike Leonard (1960)
Charles M Lewis (1955)
Steve Linton (1981)
John A Lobsiger (1965)
Ed Lopez (1965)
Edwin Lowry (1965)
Edward Lucot (1955)
Eugene Lyon (1955)
Kevin Mahoney (1980)
Kenneth Marshall (1975)
Cary Martin (1981)
Jeff Martinez (1975)
Jack D. Mc Coy (1954)
Steven Mc Kee (1954)
Joseph McCoy (1964)
Gale Mellencamp (1963)
Robert J Michel (1963)
Mike Miele (1957)
Graves Mill (1957)
William Mitchell (1957)
William Monath (1965)
Thomas Mooney (1955)
Tom Mooney (1954)
Richard K. Moore (1961)
Joseph Moosha (1966)
Larry Moran (1959)
Gary Morgan
George E Moritz (1967)
Ltjg Kim Mortemore (1962)
Darcey G Moser (1954)
Peter P. Mueller Bm3 (1972)
Thomas E Murphy (1955)
Alan B Myers (1954)
Larry W. Myers (1980)
Dennis Neipert (1971)
Joseph Nicholas (1957)
Charles E. Nichols (1977)
Roy Nilsen (1954)
Ftg James Nolan (1976)
Merrill F. Norman (1979)
Mike O'Connor (1966)
John O'Leary (1958)
John A. Oleksinski (1958)
Edward Orsulak (1975)
Daniel M. Pagano, Usmc (1958)
Joseph W. Parrish (1960)
Dale A Patterson (1957)
Roy Patterson (1975)
Todd Payton (1962)
Laurent Sr. Pellerin (1954)
John Petrus (1961)
Sheldon Phillippe, Jr. (1980)
Thomas Power (1954)
Florian Przybly (1964)
William Quinn (1964)
Wallace Ramos (1970)
John W Rasnake (1971)
Jeff Rengnerth (1982)
Bernard Repinski (1976)
John D. Richards (1954)
Louis Rodgers (1972)
Freddie Rodriguez (1973)
John Rogers (1957)
James Rosenthal (1956)
Ronald Sandor (1971)
Michael Schaffer (1970)
Michael A. Schaffer (1970)
Harold L Schneider (1955)
George Jr Schramm (1954)
Bruce Seyman (1963)
Robert Shaw (1956)
Randy Sheets (1980)
Mike M. Sheldon (1972)
Edward M. Shooks (1969)
Joseph W. Shropshire (1958)
Mark Shuttlesworth (1957)
Lawrence G Shutts (1957)
Em-3 James Skarupa (1968)
Robert Small (1966)
Joe Smith (1956)
Robert Smith (1956)
Thomas W. Smith (1966)
Howard Snowden (1966)
Gary P. Spence (1970)
Robert M Stamps (1966)
Kenneth Steadman (1965)
Ed Stewart (1983)
Duane J Sugg (1954)
William Suprey (1968)
Gerald Svopa (1961)
Lowell Swartz (1960)
Ronald Teed (1966)
Pete Tischer (1979)
Richard E. Tomac Sr. (1960)
John P. Tully (1983)
Gerry Tumey (1983)
Robert Turnage (1983)
Fel Vergara (1983)
Kenneth F Vey (1958)
William L. Vroman (1958)
James Wagoner (1954)
Elmer Walker (1965)
Terry Walker (1955)
Pete Weaver (1978)
Art Webb (1974)
George Weber (1966)
Jerry L. Weeks (1973)
David Welker (1972)
Arthur R Wells (1972)
Ralph West (1954)
Norman Weymar (1954)
Joseph D White (1980)
Jack Wiebelhaus (1962)
Raymond Will (1954)
Joseph Williams (1954)
Robert A. Williams (1954)
Lee Wort (1969)
Donald Wylie (1955)
Edward Yashenk0 (1964)
Fred Yates (1964)
Frank Youngquist (1964)

Guest Members

Cyrus Dylan (1984)