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Hi everyone,

It's with great sadness Rey Calaguas conveyed to me he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer & has less than 5 months to grace this planet. He wanted me to share this with everyone. So if your spirit moves you to grace him with some memories in-person or via phone he will be extremely grateful!

We are having an in-person gathering with Rey July 25th, 1:30pm Brewhall 97 East 2nd, Olympic Village area. Please let me know if you're able to attend asap, so I can give the venue some numbers for reservation.

You can email me at

All of our prayers and thoughts are with him and family!

Regretfully, Manuel



EH '79 40th Reunion 

It was great to see everyone at the 40th.   Thanks to those who made it out -  you all looked great (especially the ladies...).

Below is courtesy Celeste, who has set up a photo sharing site that is way better than this website!   PLEASE POST YOUR PICS!


Photos tell the stories of our lives. And the Hamber Class of 1979 has enjoyed some great times together for over 40 years!

PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR PHOTOS FROM THE REUNION USING THIS LINK (You will need to open a free account using your email address and name. This info is NOT SHARED):

This link simply allows you to add photos you have taken at our events or download any images in this digital photo album at full resolution. We would love to see more Elementary School Class Photos, or pre-reunion/post reunion photos. All photos will included in any future reunion slide shows.

NOTE:  Due to space limitations on the EH79 site, the photos for the 35th reunion have been moved to the above URL as well. 

To view or download photos only, you do not need the free account. Just click on the link.


Thanks for attending and sharing your photos with everyone! Hope to see you all at the next reunion!