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•   Allan Ireland  7/3
•   Don Manning  3/8
•   Valerie Barton (Bjarnason)  12/19
•   Bill Spilchen  12/19
•   Philip Clement (Clement)  11/29
•   Sydney Caydzien (MacPherson)  10/28
•   Deryl (Dal) McCrindle  10/19
•   Donna Ross  9/27
•   Jack Sutherland  11/26
•   Robin Clarke  11/25
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
5 live in California
3 live in Colorado
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Washington
4 live in Alberta
107 live in British Columbia
1 lives in Manitoba
8 live in Ontario
2 live in Australia
2 live in United Kingdom
116 location unknown

 Visits to the Magee63 website so far: 64,460

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Update your profile with any personal news since the reunion. Any little snippet will be of interest - enquiring minds want to know! It's a piece of cake on the What's New page.

Apologies for the advertising - it's the price for making the site free.


Here's to a happy and healthy 2021 to the great Magee Class of '63!

Val, Karen, Rita, Don and Bruce