Stacie Anderson

Profile Updated: April 21, 2008
Stacie Anderson
Residing In: Jacksonville, FL USA
Spouse/Partner: Bobby Lough
Occupation: Marketing Consultant
Children: The Furry Kind ~
Scooby & Bandit
Yes! Attending Reunion

What a fascinating time I have had perusing fellow classmate's profiles and images. Thanks to all who have allowed a glimpse into your life.

For those who knew me in school, you understood that I always danced to the beat of my own drum. Not a lot has changed in that respect as I am still a free spirit who follows my path regardless of the directional push from society and the media.

Life for me over these past 20 years has been full of some marvelous ups and some traumatic downs so it seems to be the balance of all things. However, things are beginning to take a more domesticated turn. Having always been afraid of marriage, thinking of it as a prison in the past, I avoided settling down and the typical domestic package.. well, that is until this year when I answered yes to a proposal a few months ago. Perhaps I am now finally all grown up. LOL.

About me.. well the superficial stuff first and out of the way, I am a Marketing Consultant who works as a freelance photographer on the side. Living in Jacksonville, Florida, I enjoy nature and the great outdoors living in harmony as best I can with my surroundings. I have a strong background and study in holistic wellness and alternative medicine and would love to get together with anyone else who stays on top of proactive health alternatives and just explore the possibilities.

No children other than my two Jack Russells whom I adore as my family. Whether or not Children will be in my immediate future..? Well, I am not sure, just enjoying the journey and will welcome the path that lay before me.

My plans are to be at the reunion and I can't wait to see those old friendly faces again. It has been way too long.

School Story:

I moved to WCHS my sophomore year so I had a bit of acclamation that first year to a new place with such a vastly different culture than I was used to. However, those who stood out in memory are those that were very unique and different from the homogenized ... there are so many memories of such fun events. I remember bringing movie theater popcorn "Bales" to get togethers with friends. My Blue CRX driving all over town finding the hang out places for the evening.. and more...

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Stacie Anderson has a birthday today.
Nov 06, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Stacie Anderson has a birthday today.
Nov 06, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Stacie Anderson has a birthday today.
Nov 06, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Stacie Anderson has a birthday today.
Nov 06, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Stacie Anderson has a birthday today.
Nov 06, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Stacie Anderson has a birthday today.
Nov 06, 2014 at 4:33 AM
