Steven Howland Steven Howland

Profile Updated: June 27, 2010
Residing In: Visalia, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Elizabeth Howland
Children/Grandchildren: Owen, born 2007; Olivia, born 2010
Occupation: Junior College English Instructor
Yes! Attending Reunion
Education Since HS:

BA English, MA English, MFA Creative Writing

Current interests:

Writing (nonfiction and fantasy/sci-fi), adult education, bicycling, game design, choral music.

How old do you feel?

Mid 20s

Any gray hairs or plastic surgeries?

Gray hairs on my chin stubble! The horror!

Over the past 20 years I...

I've taught English to adult learners at College of the Sequoias for 13 of the last 20 years. I traveled around the United Sates and in Europe a few times. I've enjoyed the friendships I've made and maintained since high school. Last, I've become a good father.

I think the saddest thing that's happened to our world in the past 20 years is...

Sad to me has been the politicization of rational discourse, making conversation about issues important to all of us too much of a chore because people in conversations tend to spout sound bytes instead of considered responses to issues or ideas.

Similarly, I think as sad, if not sadder, is the general shift away from care about others--away from the traits of compassion and decency--and toward identification with small groups, be they religious, political, or cultural.

Saddest of all would be the knowledge that the world I leave for my kids is--so far--not better than the one left for me by my parents.

I think the most amazing thing that's happened to our world in the past 20 years is...

The speed of communication now as compared to 1990 amazes me.

I never thought I would...

I never thought I would love having kids as much as I do. My children give me joy. Back in high school, I didn't even WANT kids. :)

I'm most excited about seeing and catching up with...

Everyone. I loved being friends with people back in high school, and I've always been a little sad to have fallen out of touch with so many.

You would be surprised to know I now...

I don't play piano. I rarely practice, so my ability has slipped considerably since high school and early college. I write now to satisfy my urge for artistic growth and expression.

The thing that has NOT changed much about me since HS is...

My height. ;)

Over the next 20 years I'd like to...

I'd like to write a few good articles that are read and discussed by many. I'd like to publish a few of my games and possibly make a go of a game publishing company. I'd love to take my family across Europe and Africa once the kids are up for the long flights we'd be taking, and I'd like to write about the experience. Possibly, if all goes well, I'd like to write a few books.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I'm happy to be alive and in touch with so many of you!

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