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In Memory

Raymond Bible

Raymond Bible

From Raymond Bible's son, Raymond Bible Jr.:

He is class of 71 and I want to thank those for the kind words. And just find out what others think of my dad. Thank you. Raymond Bible, Jr.

People on my dads page were asking of me and my mother wanted to update about that also thank people for the kind words. Me and him are just alike my mom says with our personalities. Raymond Bible, Jr.

You can leave your own memories of Raymond by using the 'Post Comment' button at the bottom of this page.

From David Battles: Raymond Bible is deceased. 17 Jan 2004

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02/17/11 01:12 PM #5    

Rita Arroyo (Larios)

I, too, am sorry to hear of his passing.  I remember him being a quiet, sort of person, he did have his funny moments.  It's difficult to lose a parent, I know. Please take care and know you are in my prayers.

02/17/11 02:17 PM #6    

Marsha McGregor (Stanford)

If I had to use one word to  describe  Raymond the first word would be  polite, but more words describe him in many ways, He always had a smile for me, he was kind hearted,was always a friend  and a very  good basketball player. I never saw him lose his temper maybe give the ref a look every now and then but that was it. I was really saddened to hear about his passing,but you can rest assured he is missed by the class of 1971, God Bless your family and always remember your Dad was a true Waco High Tiger.Love Ya, Marsha

02/17/11 08:39 PM #7    

James Bush

   I knew Bible since the 8th grade at West Jr.  He was a good man and a good friend.  Let me add this... If he was your friend, he ALWAYS had your back.  He was quiet, but when he talked he always said something to make me laugh.  I can remember as if it were yesterday, our Basketball "Road Trips".  Unfortunately we lost alot and on the trip back to Waco, Bible would tell us to get out our Choir Hymnals and turn to page 432 and sing that great Spiritual, "We Lost The Game And We Can Do It Again".  Then the Varsity (all on the back of the bus), would burst out singing.  Tall Jack (our uh, umph, uh coach)... got Mad once and told us to shut up! It was a" long ride back that night". lol

 I was saddend when I heard of the passing of Bible.  He will be missed "Big Time" by our class.

 (JB #23 in the Team Picture)

02/19/11 12:02 PM #8    

Thom Clark

Raymond was a quiet guy, but my, oh my could he get fired up when doing his 'Rev. Fire Eater'.  I suspect that this was a take off of a character done by the late comedian, Flip Wilson, who had a comedy variety program on television at the time that we went to high school.  James Bush referred to his imploring us to turn in our Hymnals to page 442.  This came after The Right Reverend Fire Eater had worked us up into a frenzy.  This was even more remarkable considering that 9 out of 10 times we had just gotten beaten by 20-30 points.  He had us believing in something far more important than basketball.  I often wondered if Raymond's sermons were a mask for the real calling that he had in his life.  He was fantastic and brought cheer to our woeful Waco High Basketball team.  We would have never made it through the year if it weren't for Raymond's 'Rev. Fire Eater'. 

02/20/11 07:19 AM #9    

Jackie Byrd (Watson)

To the Family of Raymond Bible,

I am saddened to hear of Raymond's passing.  It hurts to learn the news of one of classmates no longer with us.  We were a close group of classmates, the class of 1971, even with a large graduating class.  Raymond was a sweet, kind person as I remember.

I have heard stories of Raymond that make me smile and laugh.  I knew he was a great basketball player for the Waco High Tigers, but he was more than that to his teammates, he was a funny, uplifting character on the bus ride home from games and in the locker room.  Raymond was always leading his teammates in a made up song (known to them as a hymnal).  I believe several of the guys may remember the words to one he made up and would sing on the bus ride home.  After a loss of a game Raymond kept their spirits up and  would have all his friends and teammates laughing and happy again with the break out of his songs.  Raymond will always be remembered by his class of 1971.

We will see Raymond again one day in glory!

Jackie Byrd Watson

02/24/11 08:33 PM #10    

Sharon Thompson (Bradley)

I don't know what Raymond Bible you all knew but he was far from quiet! My sister and I took piano lessons from his mother. I also went to elementary school with him. He was always funny. He kept us in trouble in the mornings in the little gym. Raymond and I tried to keep in touch for a long time but lost touch after I joined the navy and moved to Calif.Truly, he was a good friend, I just couldn't talk him through some of his issues. I was really upset when I heard he had died. I miss him!

02/25/11 05:38 AM #11    

Larrye Weaver


03/14/11 06:59 PM #12    

Noreen Retzer (Powell)

I have known Raymond since the 8th grade at West Jr (now West Elementary). I remember him as being a funny guy, sometimes quiet, sometimes not so quiet; but a smile that went straight to his eyes. It saddens me to hear of his passing. I know that your loss can never be replaced, but hopefully, the memories of those of us who knew him for a long time, and some not so long, will help you to see him as we did.

06/23/11 11:36 PM #13    

Jan Forney

 I truly loved Raymond and was so looking forward to seeing him again  when I returned to Waco.  I still find it hard to believe he's gone, but I will always remember his smile, his humor and his awesome cool!  Raymond, you are dearly and truly missed!

Jan Fornéy

06/03/12 03:58 PM #14    

Glen Raines

Raymond was such a quiet , well mannered guy . I met him at West Jr and he stood out in the crowd. I never ever heard him speak negatively about anyone throughout our school years. I am so sad to hear of his passing. God bless you Raymond.

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