In Memory

Edward Morkys - Class Of 1942

Edward passed away on April 9, 2008.  

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08/13/11 11:27 AM #1    

Michelle Morkys (Minicucci) (1979)

Our Father  Graduated from Kodak School of Photography in New York, He Served in World War II for  four years . He was the recipiant of the purple heart while serving in Germany. He was married to our mother for almost 60 years, passing away three months before their anniversary. He became a police officer  as a Homicide Detective/Photographer and then on the Youth Squad for a total of 43 years retiring in 1986. He is survived by his wife, Paulette and his seven children,with 7 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. He will be missed. He went too soon.


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