Reunion Planning Meetings

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Bob Kammerer, Committee Chairman, called the “Wrap Up” meeting of the Westbury High School Class of 1964 Reunion to order at 6:15pm.  In attendance were Bob Kammerer, Lloyd Gordon, Allan Mendels, Bob DeStefan, Marcia Foster Rochester, Patricia Down Fredericks, Joy Pujia McArdle, Ed Flynn, Phyllis Newbert Kammerer.

On the agenda was the Financial Report of monies received and expended.  All Committee members received a copy and Ed Flynn, Class President and Banker, made a motion to accept the Report as is.  It was unanimously approved by a vote.  The entire Reunion planning and 3 day events were brought in under budget and any surplus is going to something in commemoration of the class of 1964. (see below)

Discussions took place about how well the 3 day reunion events played out as there were no criticisms based on the number of favorable emails and phone calls the Committee received.  The Westbury Times articles and pictures were discussed and were acknowledged as having been posted on the website.  It was also discussed that the Thursday Night “Ice Breaker” ended up being doubly rewarding because not only were classmates able to catch up with other classmates, they were also supporting the fundraiser for Wounded Warriors being held at the Sporting News Grill that night.

Discussion was had with regard to donating something to the Westbury High School in honor of the Class of 1964.  Lloyd Gordon and Marcia Foster will research what items may be appropriate for the school and the school district has already acknowledged that they would support our efforts, e.g. they would gladly hang a commemorative plaque should one be presented.  Marcia reported that the Superintendent and the Assistant Principal stated that they had not seen a group or class so supportive of each other and they both had a great time accompanying the class.

There was a moment of silence for our departed classmates and there was a toast made to all the committee members for a job well done.  It was also determined that the class website, will continue for an indefinite period of time and will be updated regularly.  Classmates should continue to communicate and share memories etc. on the site.  Joy Pujia and Cliff Potenza have agreed to be added as administrators.

It was brought up that some classmates have contacted Bob Kammerer because they had not received their pictures or would like to order pictures.  Classmates should contact Allan Mendels  at for any photo questions and information regarding purchasing additional photos.

At approximately 7pm, the Committee Chairman, Bob Kammerer, based on the fact that there was no further discussion required regarding the Class of 1964 50th Year Reunion, made a motion which was seconded and carried that the Committee for the Reunion is now Dissolved. 

Immediately after, discussions then began regarding the rumors of a 70th “Birthday Bash” for the Class of 1964.  After a very favorable and enthusiastic discussion, all the committee members present stated that they would work on the new committee and immediately started exchanging ideas for a 70th Birthday event.  This committee is open to anyone who would like to join and the first meeting is tentatively scheduled for the beginning of December 2014.

During the discussion of the 70th Birthday ideas as well as the idea that the Reunion committee was dissolved, all of the committee members present were a little sad that we were not going to be meeting on a monthly basis because they had such great times at the meetings.  This led to not only the idea of the birthday party but also the possibility of having a yearly informal reunion for whoever could make it.  Details will be forwarded as things progress.  Suggestions about other ways and reasons to get together and possibly a group in the Florida area maybe wanting to have a mini reunion were some ideas.  We would appreciate hearing from any class members with any suggestions and ideas that can be brought up at the next meeting.

Personal Note:  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the class members who sent their compliments to the committee and me by email and phone calls for a job well done.  It was an honor and a privilege to have chaired the 50 Year Reunion Committee.  – Bob Kammerer





What a great turn out we had last night at our last and very important Reunion Planning Meeting.  Plans were finalized and plenty of hard work is still being done by the Committee members to make sure that the party on the 12th is going to be great as well as the Breakfast and School Tour on the 13th.

Lloyd Gordon had a great Banner made for our Reunion and he and Marcia Foster Rochester have been spending lots of time making arrangements with our High School for our Breakfast and Tour.  Allan Mendels is coordinating all the details for photography and pictures the night of the event and Cliff Potenza has made up name badges for us all.  Cliff also is organizing a memorabilia table for any pictures you would like to display as well as an In Memoriam photo section for our classmates who are no longer with us.

We are still getting RSVPs to both events and we encourage anyone who can make it but hasn't let us know to please do so.  Email Bob Kammerer at or call 516.375.2727 even if it is last minute to let us know if you will be joining us.  It is important that we have an accurate count for the two events.

Don't forget about our ICE BREAKER GATHERING on Thursday night, September 11th, at the Sporting News Grill at the Holiday Inn on Old Country Road in Westbury anytime after 6pm.  If you can make it, great!   We will have a section of the lounge but no RSVP is necessary.  We just hope to see you there.

Please take another look at the missing classmates page on this website and if you have any way of contacting anyone on the list who you don't know for sure is going to attend, please try to reach out to them.  It would be a shame if they missed this Reunion because they didn't hear about it.

In closing, as you can see by the picture below, attendance at the meeting has grown to 15 people and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the committee for all their hard work in trying to make this a fun-filled memorable event. - Bob Kammerer Sr.

L to R: Joy Pujia McArdle, Frank Scibelli, Jessica Rosenn, Allan Mendels, Bob DeStefan, Bob Kammerer, Marcia Foster Rochester, Cliff Potenza, Ed Flynn, Tal Vacchio, Steve Russell, Dennis Raffelock, Pat Down Fredericks, Lloyd Gordon - Picture taken by Phyllis Newbert (Committee member by marriage)



It was a mini reunion of sorts last night at The Sporting News Grill for our second to last Reunion Planning Meeting before the main event on September 12th.  We were joined by Jessica Rosenn Garroway and Bob DeStefan who were able to make it to the meeting.  It was great seeing them and makes us all look forward even more to seeing as many classmates as possible the night of September 11th at The Sporting News Grill for our Ice Breaker evening and, of course, at the Reunion on September 12th at Dilettos Restaurant.  Don't forget our tour of the school and breakfast on Saturday, September 13th.

Of course our hard working regular Committee Members were in attendance: Cliff Potenza, Ed Flynn, Lloyd Gordon, Allan Mendels, Marcia Foster Rochester, Patricia Down Fredericks, Butchie Romano.  A good time was had by all and lots was accomplished.  Plans are being finalized for the tour of the school and we request that you let us know if you plan on being there on the Saturday after our Reunion party.  Please email me, Bob Kammerer, and let me know how many to expect so we can plan the continental breakfast .

As always, the Committee is working very hard to make this, our 50 Year Reunion, the best ever.  Our next meeting is on September 3rd at Dilettos at 6:30pm.  If you can join us, please let me know.

From LtoR: Cliff Potenza, Ed Flynn, Jessica Rosenn Garroway, Bob Kammerer, Patricia Down Fredericks, Lloyd Gordon, Bob DeStefan, Butchie Romano, Marcia Foster Rochester, Tal Vacchio



Once again we met at the Sporting News Grill for our most recent Reunion Planning Meeting.  Based on the amount of laughs and volume of conversation, the staff may be starting to become concerned about how us "older folks" are going to behave when there are many more of us together for our "Ice Breaker" gathering on September 11th, the night before our official Reunion.  A great time was had by all in attendance on July 9th and many important topics were discussed and decisions made. 

It has been decided that we need to request that checks be received by August 15th for payment for the Reunion and finalizing details.  Please send your $75 per person checks as soon as possible.  Checks are to be made out to Class of 1964 Reunion and mailed to Robert J. Kammerer, Sr. at 199 Lexington Street, Westbury, NY 11590.  After August 15th the cost is $90 per person and, anyone paying at the door, must pay $90 per person in cash.

Marcia Foster Rochester confirmed that we will be able to have a tour of our High School on Saturday, September 13th and the Committee discussed the practicality of having a continental breakfast at 11am in the Cafeteria followed by the tour as opposed to a lunch after the tour based on attendance and cost.

Also discussed were Music for the Reunion Event, Photographer, Memorablia and photos and how to track down missing classmates.  Patricia Down Fredericks has been losing sleep because of her research and letter writing trying to find classmates!  All of the Committee members have been making calls and reaching out to classmates but everyone's help is needed to find the missing classmates as quickly as possible.


Front Row L to R - Patricia Down Fredericks, Joseph (Frankie) Scibelli, Ed Flynn.  Back Row L to R - Bob Kammerer, Marcia Foster Rochester, Lloyd Gordon, Cliff Potenza, Allan Mendels, Tal Vacchio



As always, a good time was had by all at the Reunion Planning Meeting held on Wednesday, June 11th at The Sporting News Grill at the Holiday Inn in Westbury.  This will be where we are looking forward to meeting many other classmates for our "Ice Breaker" evening now less than 90 days away on September 11th.  Of major concern and discussion were the "Missing Classmates" and the need for checks to be sent ASAP to help with planning details.  Also discussed were the tour of the school on Saturday, September 13th and a lunch in the Cafeteria afterward.

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 9th at the Sporting News Grill at 6:30pm.

In attendance above are Tal Vacchio, Lloyd Gordon, Patricia Down Fredericks, Bob Kammerer, Marcia Foster Rochester and Butchie Romano.


A good time was had by all on May 14th at Dilettos Restaurant.  In attendance from L to R:

Ed Flynn, Bob Kammerer, Patricia Down Fredericks, Bob's wife-Phyllis, Lloyd Gordon, Cliff Potenza, Marcia Foster Rochester, Tal Vacchio.

Reunion Planning Meeting held at Cozymels on April 9th.  A good time was had by, from L to R:

Ed Flynn, Lloyd Gordon, Butchie Romano, Marcia Foster Rochester, Bob Kammerer and Allan Mendels