Artis Stanley Silverman

Profile Updated: May 7, 2016
Artis Stanley
Residing In Denver, CO USA
Spouse/Partner Stephen Carmel
Occupation or Retired? Early Childhood Special Education Teacher - half time
Any Children or Grandchildren? Evan, born 1975; Emily, born 1979
Grandchildren: Archer, born 2011; Solia, born 2014
Yes! Attending Reunion
Want to share anything with your Classmates?

I have been living in sunny Colorado since 1973. For a number of years I played a great deal of tennis and skied in the mountains. Now I am biking, walking and spending time with my two grandchildren in addition to working. I have been in the same book club for 38 years with the same friends. Colorado is a very up place to live with everyone compelled to be outside in the sunshine.

Artis' Latest Interactions

Aug 30, 2021 at 11:25 PM

I was so, so sad to learn the news about Anni Hansen. She was a special friend to me in grade school and I was always extremely fond of her and her family. When I read she had passed away I felt like I had been punched physically. It was a stunning feeling and it brought tears to my eyes. There are so many upsetting things going on right now and perhaps this was a sort of tipping point for me. The feelings of loss came upon me in such a strong and unexpected manner. I had not been with Anni in so many years and yet I recalled in just that moment running up the steps to her house expecting lunch with the shoestring potato chips her mother had usually made for us. It was powerful! Oh... those sweet memories of childhood in Whitefish Bay.

Mar 04, 2021 at 1:01 PM

We were thrilled with the awards Justin has received. What an amazing fellow!

May 07, 2016 at 10:44 AM