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Carol Anderson (Salmon)
Paula Andonian (Sweck)
Richard Auger
Charles Avakian
Audrey Baker (Veldhof)
Alfred Bakker
Maureen Barber (Bien)
Karen Baszner (Ireland)
Leonard Benoit
Leon Bien
Elizabeth Blizzard (Darcy)
Kenneth Bogie
Walter Bosma
Richard Boutiette
Doug Carr
Sandra Commons (Bowman)
James Couillard
Walter Crothers
Joanne Cunningham
Paul Decapua
ALBIN(ande) Delibero
Howard Devries
Irene Dionne
Kathleen Duggan (Charbonneau)
Janet Dupre (Sherman)
Arleen Duso
David Dykstra
Marjorie Ebbeling (Smith)
Mildred Ellis (Hoekstra)
Richard Frabotta
Deborah Fullerton
Richard Gauthier
Robert Gauthier
John Gauvin
Joseph Gniadek
Lorraine Gosselin
Arthur Hall
Donna Hamm (Fortier)
Jack Haringa
Richard Hathaway
Virginia Havens (Byrn)
Ruth Henault
Diane Henderson (Myers)
Robert Jackman
Elaine Jones (Mahoney)
James Jorritsma
Susanne Kidd (McKeon)
John Kramarz
Kathleen Lambert (Lewis)
Lynda Laperriere
Ernest Lariviere
Raymond Larochelle
Elaine Lawyer
Yvette Lessard
Doris Lightbown (Ducharme)
Cindy Lloyd
Rita Lortie
Bob Lyman
Glenn Lyman
Lois Matchett (Leonard)
Diane McDonough
Claire McGowan
David Miedema
Lorraine Morin (Rutkiewicz)
Ronald Morin
Peter Naroian
Oliver Nichelson
Kevin Nuttall
Earl Nydam
Linda Oby
Ronald Papazian
Kenneth Pendergast
Judith Perras (Heckert)
Richard Piper
Raymond Postma
Rose-Marie Poudrier
Susan Raiche (George)
Veronica Ramian
Beverly Romasco
Christine Roy
Lucille Roy (Dover)
Patricia Roy (Berard)
John Sauve
Brenda Scowcroft (Blette)
Jeanne Sheldon (Couillard)
Gerald Shugrue
Judith Sprott (Brooks)
Edward St. Martin
Ronald Swart
Frank Szerlag
Sheril Tatro (Nordstrom)
Fred Theiler
Anne Vallee (Williams)
Brenda Vandersea (Wright)
Marilyn Vandyke (Nadeau)
Dorothy Vermette (Madigan)
Ann Vierstra
Gloria Walker (Libbey)
Ann Warwick
George Waters
John Wheeler
Richard Wheeler
Clayton Wiesma
Alvin Youngsma
Guest Members
Barbara Baker
Alice Caton
Florence Colby
Linda Colton
John Creed
Ray Creighton (Creighton)
Russell Daniels (Russell …)
Fred Dean
Judith Duhamel
Louis Dykstra
Elinor Emino (Townsend)
Phyllis Farraro
Donald Fowler
James Gilchrist
Edward Gorman
Kathleen Graves
Edward Henderson
Sharon Hoar
Sue Johnson (Christena)
William Kidd
Judith Labine (Turner)
Gene Leclaire
Edmund Maroney
Susan Mettey (McLellan)
Ellen Nelson
Forest Noe
Peggy O'Brien
George Paige
John Pineau
Paul Prentiss
Cynthia Robinson
David Smith
William Smith
Linda Soderberg (Grayek)
Richard Stockwell
Louise Tobey (Richards)
Paul Usher
Richard Victor
Joyce Watson (Christakis)
Wayne West
Gloria White (Nelson)
Marsha Whitney (Boyd)
Kenneth Wood
Michael Yinkot
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