In Memory

Sidonee Lankford (Faires)

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09/15/21 10:34 AM #1    

Louise Allerheiligen (McClellan)

Sidonee passed in Jun 1987 from Diabetes. She is missed.

09/16/21 03:28 PM #2    

Marlis M. Manley (Broadhead)

My poem for Sidonie, sent a few months before she died



Looking for Sidonie in strange places

I expect her to yawn and stretch

from behind the pages of old text books


I thought I saw her blonde reflection

in a glassblower's swan, her favorite shade of purple

but it was only a girl with smooth thighs

that had never felt insulin's daily bite 


a hint of her remains

in an old poem about Monkey Island

where her father finally hauled

the once yar Miss Quote onto the bank

and set fire to our summer of '64


and the Valdois' pond is a a vanished landmark

it shrank to nothing two or three droughts ago

the dock where we piled our graduation dresses

now a sun-bleached skeleton



09/16/21 05:44 PM #3    

Louise Allerheiligen (McClellan)

Love this Marlis!


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