Quotes: 20yr Reunion

We wanted to share with you the overwhelming responses and comments that we received from those classmates who attended the 20th Year Class Reunion.  We sincerely thank you for being part of it all...it would not have been the same without you! 


 "You organized the best reunion EVER!  I know how hard you worked to make everything seem so effortless.  So many people commented that they almost didn't come, or were nervous when they got there, but quickly relaxed and were really glad they came.  I think you more than accomplished your goal!"  -Amy Kolz

"Thank you for putting together the best reunion yet!  You all did a wonderful job and created some great memories for us all!!!  I would love to help with the 25th.  I am still getting phone calls and emails from everyone telling me how much fun they had!!!  Again well done!"  -Heather Hardy Penny

"Just want to send out the biggest kudos to all who made the event a super success and how much I personally appreciate everyones efforts in making that a success and making more great memories for me...you guys are awesome!"  -Gloria Andrews

"I am so impressed with the reunion crew-amazing job!!  It seemed like everyone had a blast.  I am so excited about my prize [the VIP Passes Browns Training Camp]...I could not believe I won!"  -Tracy Dublo Eade 

"Thank you for all of your efforts to plan the reunion.  It was evident from the outstanding turnout that the committee worked very hard to find and include as many people as possible.  We noticed how many of the little details were carefully planned to create an event that everyone would enjoy.  We both had a great time and appreciated the opportunity to catch-up with people that we had not seen in many years.  Those that were not able to attend missed a special night, but I am sure after they hear about the success of the 20th reunion, they will not miss the 25."  -Andy Gardner

"I had a great time.  I'm glad that I was found too. It was great seeing everybody and by the looks of the crowd, nobody wanted the night to end, me included.  You did an outstanding job planning and organizing this event. It's amazing that it felt like everybody picked up right where they left off 20 years ago.  Thanks for planning such a memorable event."  -Scott DeVenny

"You guys did and awesome job on planning this event. I would like to help on the 25 year reunion and would like the same event.  I think that type of setting will bring a good turn out and it did!"  -Randy Savage

"Jon and I had such a GREAT night!  The committee made our 20th reunion unforgettable."  -Dawn Davis Leskinen

"We had a really great time at the reunion.  Thank you for making it such a great party!  The food, drinks, and activities made it much more than the typical event."  -Denny Bajec

"Thanks again for putting together such a wonderful evening.  It was better than I expected!  Let's have our 30th on a cruise ship and have the 20 year committee organize it!!!"  -Michelle Leimbach Swigert

"Thanks so much for all of your hard work in pulling the reunion together.  When I saw you guys were heading up the committee I knew it was going to be good...and it was!"  -Nancy Fox Weitzel

"You guys did such a great job putting everything together!  The night was a blast!"  -Kevin Ennis

"Ok, so I knew our reunion would be fun, but I never expected it to be THAT MUCH FUN!!!  I had a blast with ALL of you!!!  I sure wish it wasn't over!  Can we do it again next weekend?!  ha-ha!  Thank you so much reunion committee, you did a tremendous job!  We are very fortunate to have one another!  After all, the Class of 88 ALWAYS will be GREAT!!!"  -Tracy Polzer Giles 

"What a great night!  The committee did a fantastic job!"  -Lynda Roach Norsic

"Ok was that a fun reunion or what??  The long islands were just a little bit too good.  I had such a blast.  I am sorry if I didn't make it around to everyone.  But like I said it was so much fun...I can't say it enough, great job on this reunion committee, you are ALL great!  We have a great bunch of friends.  You (the committee) should feel very proud.  You guys rock.  Everyone had a blast.  If people did not enjoy themselves it was their own fault.  There was something for everyone.  The drinks were great, the food was yummy, the entertainment was rockin, the people were friendly.  Can't wait till the next one.  Just wanted everyone to know that it was a great night!!!!  I WAS FOR THE FIRST TIME PROUD TO BE A REBEL..."  -Barb Moses Panesky

"To the rest of the committee thank you all, it really was an awesome event!  -Dave Brazus

"It was good to see everyone.  I had such a good time and didn't want the time to end."  -Charisse Iannetta-Betz

"Thank you for finding me.  I almost didn't go but so happy that I did.  You all did an awesome job at planning the reunion.  I think we had a great turn out.  Thanks again."  -Kim Potts Morris

"Thank YOU for all of the work that it took to make the reunion such a special night.  I really had way more fun that I thought I would and it was great to see everyone."  -Scott Berlin

"I had an awesome time.  The committee really put together a great event!  I feel sorry for everyone who didn't make it."  -Joe Mercadante

"The reunion was such a success.  You guys really did a wonderful job and we had the best time.  Thanks so much!"  -Tricia Stegura Horvat

"I had such a great time and really enjoyed reconnecting with everyone.  I know I said it Saturday night, but I feel the need to reiterate- THANK YOU so much for putting this reunion together!  You all did such a fantastic job and it truly was a memorable evening (and morning!)" -Michelle Robinson

"Thanks for planning it.  It was a lot of fun.  I'm still exhausted after 2 late nights.  It was great to see everyone and think about all those good times."  -Sharon Strashensky Waddell

"What a great reunion!"  -Tom Manning

"I had a great time and enjoyed catching up with everyone.  It was a wonderful weekend.  Thank you again for all the work you and the rest of the committee did in making the event so memorable."   -Dan DiFranco

"You all did such a fabulous job and it was so good to see everyone.  My face hurts from smiling so much and my throat hurts from talking so much.  Thank you so much for all of your hard work."  -Julie Jamison O'Boyle

"You and your committee outdid yourselves.  What a memorable evening that was!  Your hard work is truly appreciated!"  -Rod Hamms

"Hats off to the committee.  You guys put together a wonderful reunion."  -Kurt Zevnik

"We had such a great time at the reunion.  It was so great to see everyone.  You all really outdid yourselves with the planning."  -Crystal Anderson Campbell

"We had a GREAT time, and it was wonderful to see everyone!!  Thanks to you and the rest of the reunion crew...you guys did a wonderful job!!! I LOVE the CD!!!  -Barb Tomaric Young

"Thank you so much.  I loved getting to see everyone and I had a great time.  The night went by so fast...I can't wait for the next one."  -Wendy Ferrere Maiden 

"I really did have a fun time.  I'm glad you persuaded me to come.  The reunion committee did a great job."  -Dawn Wallace Pascoe

"Thank you so much for the blanket and the ornament.  I had a really fun time at the reunion."  -Allan Polasko

"Thanks for all the work you did to organize it...I know it was alot of work!"  -Kristen Sulentich Gerber

"It was great that we could come.  All of you guys did a great job with the reunion.  Especially considering the time frame that you did it in."  -Pete Cwalina

"You did a wonderful job with putting on the event. It was so good to see so many friends...The reunion rocked.  Thanks to the whole committee for a great job.  I know I had a blast with many of my old friends that I have not seen in many years.  You all truly did a great job." -Joe Greer

"Thanks for doing such a great job! I really had a fun time.  It was nice to see all my old friends."  -Stacy Sudman Zukowski

"We had a blast!"  -Angie Hawley Vodopivec

"It was nice to see everyone and catch up. You did a great job!'  -Laurie Wallace Logar

"That was a lot of fun. I also received a lot of compliments on the event with similar sentiments.  I know I had a good time myself.  They loved the website and the event itself.  People who were not going to come were happy later."  -Zaid Faruhki

"Thanks to all of the committee again.  Rick was really happy I dragged him to the reunion."  -Julie (and Rick) Jacko

"Thank you for all of your HARD WORK!!  You did an awesome job-so glad I went.  Again, everybody did a fantastic job"  -Greg Manning

"I am truly touched by your thoughfulness!  You all did such an incredible job planning everything. I did enjoy seeing everyone and I hope we can do it again in 5 years.  Thank you all for your hard work. It was a great reunion!"  -Vinetta Terauds Stirrup

"We had a very nice time.  Thank you so much for all of your work.  It is appreciated."  -Joe and Shari (Blout) Cattell

"I had such a great time. You guys did an awesome job."  -Jared Miller

"The reunion was so much fun and went way too fast!!!!  I almost didn't go.  What was I thinking!!  It was great to see everyone and as Tracy Polzer said can we do it again next weekend!  ha ha.  Thanks to the committee for a job well done.  Looking forward to the next reunion.  Maybe the next reunion will be a winter month, when we are all bored and dying for something to do."  -Tammi Sharp

"Thank you with all of my heart to my dear friends, Angela, Diann, Linda, Jennifer, Judy, Dave, Zaid, Denise and Dan for your incredible committment and dedication to your classmates and to planning this reunion.  You are some of the most amazing people that I have ever worked with, and I am humbled by your generosity and support.  You are simply the best!"  -Jenny Brazus Kernc









