Who was the most attractive girl in our class (other than yourself)?
So many!!!
Did any of your children attend New Trier?
What did the protesters in Grant Park chant when charged by police during the 1968 Democratic National Convention?
I ditched school that day! I was there!!
Which of the following can be found in a dark corner of your closet?
Did your father attend New Trier?
Did your mother attend New Trier?
What are your vices?
all of the above
Do you believe in God?
At New Trier, I was labelled (rightly or wrongly):
None of the above, I was too cool for pat categories
Unless you think it's none of anybody's goddam business, how would you describe your sexual orientation?
exclusively heterosexual
Are all kids who lived on the North Shore and went to New Trier spoiled whiny elitist brats who had everything handed to them on a silver platter? (Just asking.)
No, I was never whiny
Who decided that the Indians and the Cowboys should become . . . Trevians? Who decided that Echoes and Vestiges should become Trevia? Should that person (or persons) be severely punished?
Are you comfortable with the process of aging?
No, it totally sucks, and I will be wearing a big nametag at the Reunion
How did you perceive New Trier after your first year of college? Did you feel that by going to college you had taken a step up, or down?
No college provides everything that NT does, let alone under one roof
How did you choose your profession?
The same way I chose my spouse - solely for love
Which Junior High did you attend?
Howard (Wilmette)
What higher formal education have you completed?
Bachelor's Degree with major in: Architecture
In which Village did you reside at the time you graduated from New Trier?
The best thing about growing up in the North Shore was . . .
The racial and ethnic diversity (LOL)
My innermost circle of close friends at New Trier included, and I would often be seen in the company of . . .
The following classmates from New Trier East: Let's white