Carolyn Ramm

Profile Updated: June 30, 2021
Carolyn Ramm
Residing In: Andover, MA USA
Spouse/Partner: Oliver Jones
Occupation: Attorney
Children: Anna, born 1983
Alice, born 1985
Catharine, born 1988
Yes! Attending Reunion
Did you attend New Trier East, or New Trier West?

New Trier East

Who was your favorite teacher at New Trier? Why?

Mr. Frey

What is your favorite memory of New Trier?

Debate tournaments

What is your LEAST favorite memory of NT?

Debate tournaments

Did any of your children attend New Trier?


Which of the following can be found in a dark corner of your closet?

none of the above

Did your father attend New Trier?


Did your mother attend New Trier?


How do you describe yourself politically?


Do you believe in God?


At New Trier, I was labelled (rightly or wrongly):

A brain

HELLO MY NAME IS . . . Are you comfortable with the process of aging?

Yeah, it sure beats the alternative

How did you perceive New Trier after your first year of college? Did you feel that by going to college you had taken a step up, or down?

New Trier prepared me well for college

Which Junior High did you attend?

Howard (Wilmette)

What higher formal education have you completed?

MBA and JD

In which Village did you reside at the time you graduated from New Trier?


The best thing about growing up in the North Shore was . . .

Living under an enormous canopy of old-growth trees

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Carolyn Ramm updated profile. View.
Jun 30, 2021 at 10:56 AM
