35th Reunion Survey

We would like to survey you about our upcoming 35th Class Reuion. We have reduced the amount of weekend dates to 4 based off of the prior responses we have received. We are hoping that one weekend out of the remaining dates will stand out the most so that we can plan accordingly. 

Thank you!

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Which weekend(s) work(s) best for you? Please select as many as you'd like.

  July 19 - 21
  July 26 - 28
  August 2 - 4
  August 9 - 11
2)   * Would you like to make this a weekend event (you could attend one or all the events that are planned)?

  Yes, I want to spend as much time with my classmates as possible!
  No, one night is enough to spend with all of you,
  Not sure, it depends on how I feel,
3)   * Would you be interested in helping with the planning or execution of the event?

Yes No
4)   If yes, how would you like to help?

  Facility Committee (calling around for availability & pricing)
  Hotel Committee (reserving locations and group rates)
  Catering Committee
  Communications & Marketing Committee
  Welcome Committee
  In Memory Committee
5)   Do you have any other comments, ideas or suggestions that you would like to share?

