In Memory

Marty "James" Ashby

Passed away Nov. 10, 1980.

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05/11/08 07:09 PM #1    

Allen Archer

Some of my fondest memories of high school were partying and singing with Trey, Louie, and Marty (James Martin Ashby). Some of you might remember that Marty was our class president from 7th grade until our junior year, when he got drunk on Mad Dog and tried to climb the tree at the Christmas dance. Man he had charisma. Marty started getting sick our senior year and the doctors couldn't figure out what it was. The last time Trey, Louie and I went to see him in 1980 at the naval hospital, he told us there was one more treatment left and if it didn't work he was prepared to die. Can you imagine that? (as invincible as we thought we were at that age). When he died they still didn't know what was wrong with him. According to his brother, Matt, there is speculation that Marty might have been an early victim of the AIDS epedimic through tainted blood (this is second hand). Anyway, we loved the guy, I still miss him and still think of him from time to time. Rest in Peace my brother.

05/12/08 09:46 PM #2    

Louie Luongo

They were some fun times Allen. We were like the 4 Musketeers. There hasn't been a single year that has gone by since 1980 that I haven't thought of Marty. Marty died on Novemebr 10th and was buried on my birthday, November 13th. I turned 20 years old that day and have thought of him with each passing birthday for the past 27 years. Rest In Peace Brother. (SYPOMF)

05/15/08 12:02 PM #3    

Lisa Wilson (Kimm)

I remember moving to Tabb when I was in 8th grade. It wasn't easy being the "new kid." We lived in Bethel Manor then and Marty was the first person I met. He was so nice and genuine and made me feel like being the "new kid" was going to be okay. I remember dancing with him at one of our dances .... I think it may have been prom. He was already very sick and it broke my heart. High school wouldn't have been the same without him. We love and miss you Marty.

05/22/08 11:55 AM #4    

Tommy Lindsay

I had just got back from Parris Island when I ran into Marty summer of 1980. Through the remainder of the summer until his passing we did some running around including goin to see CDB right prior to him movin on...He was, will and has been missed...

06/02/08 01:04 PM #5    

Kenneth Gray

I knew about Marty at Tabb Intermediate, but didn't really get to KNOW Marty until our Freshman year. Like many who have already responded, I was in a chorus class with Marty all four years of high school. Marty most amazed me in that he was successful in anything in which he became involved. Over the four years in male chorus, A-Cappella and Chorale, he was also in NJROTC, Sports, SCA, plays, musicals, Key Club--he was one of the first to do what we now call "multi-tasking," and be great at everything. Out of fondness and respect for Marty, my first son, Andrew was named Andrew Martin Gray, to always recall the memory of our amazing friend, teacher and brother, James Martin Ashby. His courage to fight and finish our senior year has stayed with me the most. I never knew the impact that he had on my life until he was no longer around to thank for it.

06/06/08 08:08 PM #6    

Melinda Lewis

There was no pep rally or Tabb football game that was complete without Marty. His enthusiasm and spirit were contagious, within minutes a lifeless ctowd would be on their feet cheering. I'd say they're probably on their feet in heaven 'bout now.

06/28/08 03:28 PM #7    

James Richardson

Marty was a great friend and you always had a good time when you were around him. I too remember those Pep Rally's and how he really got things going. There always seemed to be a smile on his face. We miss you Marty.

02/10/09 06:06 PM #8    

Cheryl Lawler (Davis)

I was working as a manager at Hardee's of Grafton. Marty was working at the Rich's gas station next door. I went away fro vacation to Wisconisn and when I got back everyone told me Marty had died. I was told he had Hodgkin's disease. back then the survival rate was very low. I thought of Marty when I received my diagnosis of the same disease in 1995.
I also remember freshman year when he was removed from being class president and i was vice pres. i remember marty's school spirit and he was everyone's friend

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