In Memory

Gail Neubauer (Reid)

Gail Neubauer (Reid)

Hi Class,

I was notified that Gail Neubauer Reid passed away August 18, 2016.  If anyone has details, please email me so I can notify the class. Thank you.


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08/20/16 09:04 PM #1    

Sharon Auby (Larocque)

We were so fortunate for all our classmates and we had a special class all those years.  I am saddened to learn of your passing, Gail.  May the wonderful times you spent with your family and friends somehow bring them comfort!  Sharon Auby Larocque




08/22/16 01:52 PM #2    

Bonnie McMillen (Stephenson-Jester)

So Sorry to hear about Gail.  She was such a sweet person.  My condolences to her family.

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