In Memory

Karen Smith -Deceased VIEW PROFILE

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02/20/09 12:32 PM #1    

Francine Wunk (Wunk)

I remember hearing that Karen had died in child-birth. She was truly a sweet person. Francine Wunk

02/28/09 06:19 PM #2    

Bonnie McMillen (Stephenson-Jester)

I was a friend of Karen's sister, Marcia, when she died. It was an agonizing death from brain cancer which robbed her of her sight,her hearing, movement, etc., piece by piece. She was newly pregnant with her second child when they found the tumor. It was shortly after our 10th reunion, which she attended, with her husband, Bill. The baby was delivered a month early so that she could hold him and she passed shortly after. Karen was one of those people we all strive to be.....caring, sweet, beautiful inside and out.

04/06/09 04:58 PM #3    

Francine Wunk (Wunk)

Thanks for that update.

04/14/09 05:16 PM #4    

Ronnie Nelson (Hughes)

Bonnie you stated the exact truth about Karen.
She was one of the nicest people I ever knew.
I spent time with her at the 10th reunion. We laughed and talked about a lot of things that she and I did.
One of the funniest items was the Perry Mason skit she did. She was Della Street. I hope I spelled it right.
We had a lot of goods times together. She could make you laugh out loud with her stories about her family.
She had a way of putting things that make me smile to this day.
Everyone I knew loved Karen.
How could you not love her?

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