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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 186
     Profile contains photos: 54
     In Memory: 60
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 19
     Military Service: 16
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 186    Newest Members: 186    Latest Comments: 11  

Mark Allen   
Randy Arcy   
David Bell   
Rommel Billman     
Mark Boyd    
Floyd Burk    
Susan Cady    
Randy Conn   
Gary Dastrup    
Greg Duke   
Tom Evans   
David Ferrari    
Bob Fitts    
John Garton    
Doug Hale    
Jim Hill   
Bill Kasal    
Scott Krentel    
Kathi Lane    
Bill Meister    
Steven Mix   
Tony Munoz   
Sue Murray   
Raul Ramos   
Joel Reynoso    
Rudy Reynoso    
Bob Sell   
Ed Smith    
Juanita Smith    
Jack Snyder    
Mark Sprague    
Steve Staggs    
Bob Strong   
George Thomas    
Jim Turner    
Kenneth Webb    
Bob White   

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